Mobius Ring

Guillermo 2022-03-22 09:01:06

As a science fiction film, what this film lacks is special effects. It is also time travel, but there is no luxurious equipment necessary for various time travel films, only a simple time machine; it is also a cycle of strange circles, but it does not have the simple logic of "Terror Cruise" and "Butterfly Effect". However, Laobu’s new film is very similar to the classic "Twelve Monkeys". The difference is that the cycle of "Twelve Monkeys" is a repetitive circle, while the cycle of "Loop Messenger" is not An ordinary ring, but a Mobius ring, which is why the ring needs to be sealed.

The Möbius strip (Möbius band) is a one-sided, non-orientable surface. Named after the discovery of AF Mobius. Imagine a long strip of paper, twist it around and connect it end to end. Don't stick it together, you will find that the original side is connected to the reverse side.

If you draw two lines on the strip of paper, divide the strip of paper into three equal parts, and then glue it into a "Möbius tape", use scissors to cut along the drawn line, and the scissors will go back to the original starting point in two circles. Guess one Guess, what is the result after cutting it, is it a big circle? Or three circles? neither. You will be surprised to find that the paper tape is not divided into two, but a large and a small interlocking ring.

Many movie viewers feel that this movie has constant bugs, so I will try to interpret the "rings" in the movie. The Mobius ring is the logic of this movie. Many people questioned that if Lao Bu did not come back to kill the raincaller's mother, then the raincaller would not grow into a big demon, and there would be no such thing as Lao Bu's wife being killed, and Lao Bu would not return. This is not a bug. In fact, the film has already answered it. At first, the raincaller didn't believe in his mother Sara, thinking she was a liar and hated her. The lack of communication between them was the reason why the raincaller grew into a demon. Sarah also has the ability of a ring messenger. Perhaps in the first part, it was the raincaller who killed Sarah, causing the blackening later.

Then there was something later. The first old joe, thirty years later, went back in time and was killed by the second old joe (then little joe), and the second old cloth got the gold bullion and went to China. , Met the love of a lifetime. Thirty years later, his wife was killed because of his identity. In order to save his wife, he successfully returned to the past with freedom of movement and escaped from childhood Joe.

And little joe did not follow the road arranged by old joe, he went to the third house marked on the map, calling the rain master's house. And his appearance also brought a turning point in the conflict between Sara and her son. However, old joe is still working hard to save his wife. When he finally aimed his gun at Sarah, little joe foresaw the future direction of the Mobius ring-Sarah called for rain to protect his son from being killed by Lao Bu. The teacher will be blackened and kill all the ring messengers in order to save his mother, and Lao Bu will go back to the past and save his wife-in short, an infinite loop.

At the last moment, he aimed his gun at himself and successfully split the Mobius ring into a new ring. We don’t know the direction of the new ring, but the raincaller will be under Sara’s care. Grow healthy. The original Mobius ring has been broken, and little joe has achieved a true seal.

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Looper quotes

  • Older Joe: This is a piece of indentifying information on the Rainmaker. He's here. He lives here now. In this county. And I'm gonna use this to find him. And I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna stop him from killing my wife.

    Joe: Fuck you. And your wife. None of this concerns me.

    Older Joe: This is gonna happen...

    Joe: It happened to you. It doesn't have to happen to me. You got a picture right there in my watch? Let me see. Show me the picture. As soon as I see her, I walk away. I'll fucking marry someone else. Promise. So when I see that picture, that fog inside your brain should just swallow up all the memories, right? She'll be gone. If you give her up, she'll be safe.

    Older Joe: Give her up?

    Joe: Yeah, give her up. You're the one who got her killed. She never meets you, she's safe.

    Older Joe: You don't understand. We don't have to give her up. I'm not gonna give her up. I'm gonna save her.

  • Joe: There's a reason we're called loopers. When we sign up for this job, taking out the future's garbage, we also agree to a very specific proviso. Time travel in the future is so illegal, that when our employers want to close our contracts, they'll also want to erase any trace of their relationship with us ever existing. So if we're still alive 30 years from now, they'll find our older self, zap him back to us, and we'll kill him like any other job. This is called closing your loop. Eh, you get a golden payday, you get a handshake, and you get released from your contract. Enjoy the next 30 years. This job doesn't tend to attract the most forward-thinking people.