This is your Yida!

Sigrid 2022-03-22 09:01:06

Question: There are some things that can’t be delved into.

First of all, I want to say that this loop has loopholes in logic. I like to watch these kinds of movies, so you can use your brain and have fun, and then find that you are still a big cock squatting in the basement, Gao Shuaifu still engages in women driving luxury cars outside, this feeling is great!

The loop in the movie. This is a proposition that I have imagined, how will the future travel of humans affect my entity.

In fact, the proposition I have thought about is that another parallel universe will also affect my entity.

But then I discovered that there is no one. Can be more than me, dick, silk, so, I was so excited in the 3-level black room in the basement, crying, special thanks to Beijing, let me know what is the best in the universe

without explaining the plot, nothing Doubt, this is an article with a lot of plot spoilers, the soul is light, cut directly into the cake!

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Question 1: The number of loops of loop

First of all, this is For a cycle, the cycle must have an entrance and an exit.

The concept of looper is that after looper seals itself, there are still 30 years of enjoyment time.

Then there are several assumptions. The physical

condition 1 of looper in 30 years is naturally old and dead. It may be that you are too right to be in the future. People want to get rid of themselves, without the ring, hold the gun for a lifetime, get a pension when they are old, settle in their old age, and then hang up, then the looper will break, and the looper organization will find a new looper.

I believe looper The organization, looking for looper, must have certain characteristics, similar to the Jedi looking for Force Boy, and this kind of operation is quite high-tech, to be a looper must sign certain agreements, I believe this kind of resource is secret. Illegal and limited. All active personnel of looper should have a fixed value.

Then condition 1 is also the most reasonable. The old looper is dead, and a new looper is found. Everyone sits on the train, eats the hot pot, sings, praise! Welcome to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China!

Up to now, the number of loops is 1 and the

status 2 is that the looper is closed. This appears many times in the movie. It seems to be the default normal operation method. You know too much about looper, of course you have to hang up. This is very good. Hello everyone

, the concept of a good ring seal is that the young looper does the old looper, and the necessary condition is that they are the same person and will not exist, and another person will kill the old looper. So here comes the problem!

Young looper closed the ring. After 30 years, it became an old looper and was sent back. Then it was closed for the first time. After another 30 years, the yong looper became an old looper again. Was sent back, and then was closed for the second time, yong looper another 30 years later, became an old looper again, was sent back, and then was closed for the third time... .

Honey, this is an infinite loop

that will lead to trouble is, you live forever, 30 years for a skin it!

The concept of this cycle is not only impossible to end, but also has a characteristic: the cycle is continuous and gradual. If it only cycles within a certain period of 30 years, it will be fine. The problem is that the times are changing and the lopper is constantly dying. Live, live and die, cooperate tacitly, cycle 10 times, that is 300 years,

but the connection between the two can be seen from the movie

: the young looper cannot inherit the memory of the old looper, and they are not in the same time plane. When it exists, it will not affect each other

Relation 2: Only in a one-sided time, the old looper will inherit the memory of the young looper, and the memory of the old looper will gradually fade. The entities of the two are figured out, that is, the young looper self-harmed, where the old looper was It's also disabled. Young Looper and the Wood Chopping Girl have a good fight. I don't know if the old looper is happy?

From the analysis up to now, I feel that looper seems to be a noble profession than civil servants

because it can live forever and have a high salary.

To maintain this kind of immortality, it also requires operating methods. It seems cruel. It is good. The scary word is actually a kind of welfare. Every 30 years, you have to do an operation, that is, the young looper symbolically kills the old looper, and maintains the loop without breaking.

This is the situation 2, the regular operation in the movie, a looper It can also be said that looper’s immortality is

still in condition 3. The young looper hangs up before or during the ring sealing process, or the old looper doesn’t care about itself, 13 times a night, and hangs up. In this way, there is no way to operate. This looper has to be maintained once every 30 years. I'm sorry, let's reincarnate as a looper in the next life. This condition is presented at the end of the play. The yonung looper and the old looper perform sealing in the same time plane. The process of ringing, and then at this time, both parties die, and the whole cycle is over.

So, I finally know why the whole process of sealing the ring has to be covered, because the memories of the two parties are not shared, so I don’t know that I am dead. I have to be happy and sorrowful. I recognized myself or escaped in the process, the ring closure failed, and why did I take a gun so close to it, simple and clear, afraid of mistakes!

Question 2: Rainmaker,

as the big villain in the play, the mind-power monster, his existence makes me feel the beauty of this world.

First of all, the mind-power monster, which exists in this looper, is

now referred to as the boss, the little monster, and the boss. In the future, the mobs are now

Nianli blame is in this cycle, which is also an infinite loop. The old monster will engage in looper in the future. Looper is not happy. He travels back and seduces the young looper.

You can also see the ending of chasing down the mobs . No one can change history. Since the old monsters in the future Still happily killing people, it means that the mobs will not

be the ultimate mind-power monsters now, he must think of which looper, which looper is not long-eyed, and he really killed himself when he came back. Then I didn’t have to deal with it,

so I picked a guy with the hottest personality, Willis, who came here with his stamina. He lived up to expectations. If he didn’t agree, he picked up the gun and killed the entire looper group, but Chopping the grass to remove the roots, a looper's loop, but also an endless loop.

Young looper does not disappoint everyone. At a glance, what about my embarrassed eyebrows? Your sister, then killed herself, so the whole world is quiet!

Congratulations to Nianliguai, this world is yours, but there will be no cycle anymore, the old monster will have a day of old age!

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I watched the film, I felt that the past life with strange power should be A looper is a looper who has penetrated the looper's longevity, but his hand is clumsy, and he may have been reborn in

this world before the ring is sealed . How can I not drink the bowl of water in the bridge, leaving a bit of memory, so I hate looper to the bones, in a vain attempt Join the team of longevity looper civil servants, but this team has a structure. How can you enter the

deep love, hate, and strive to be strong, practice skills hard, practice martial arts, and begin to massacre looper. In the end, Looper died of

his longevity dream and broke!


Paper full of absurd words!

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ps This looper looks like Yida, it’s your Yida, It is also my Yida!

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Extended Reading

Looper quotes

  • Older Joe: This is a piece of indentifying information on the Rainmaker. He's here. He lives here now. In this county. And I'm gonna use this to find him. And I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna stop him from killing my wife.

    Joe: Fuck you. And your wife. None of this concerns me.

    Older Joe: This is gonna happen...

    Joe: It happened to you. It doesn't have to happen to me. You got a picture right there in my watch? Let me see. Show me the picture. As soon as I see her, I walk away. I'll fucking marry someone else. Promise. So when I see that picture, that fog inside your brain should just swallow up all the memories, right? She'll be gone. If you give her up, she'll be safe.

    Older Joe: Give her up?

    Joe: Yeah, give her up. You're the one who got her killed. She never meets you, she's safe.

    Older Joe: You don't understand. We don't have to give her up. I'm not gonna give her up. I'm gonna save her.

  • Joe: There's a reason we're called loopers. When we sign up for this job, taking out the future's garbage, we also agree to a very specific proviso. Time travel in the future is so illegal, that when our employers want to close our contracts, they'll also want to erase any trace of their relationship with us ever existing. So if we're still alive 30 years from now, they'll find our older self, zap him back to us, and we'll kill him like any other job. This is called closing your loop. Eh, you get a golden payday, you get a handshake, and you get released from your contract. Enjoy the next 30 years. This job doesn't tend to attract the most forward-thinking people.