The so-called hero is invincible because of fear.

Austin 2022-03-21 09:01:05

I think of a film review about CSI I wrote before, the title is "If my reason is to wrap up my fear-the reason why CSI hits me". At that time, I only analyzed one of the reasons why CSI made me obsessed with CSI from the perspective of my liking for CSI. Now, after I watched Batman Prequel 1 for this reason, this topic, I actually feel that this movie is really suitable for using that proposition.

When we were young, we only saw the so-called heroes of heroes. They have the ability to save the world. They have a large number of admirers and supporters. But the fact is that true heroes are always alone, not only because of their superior abilities, which leads to not many people who are qualified to stand by him, but also because, for such abilities, he has to give up a lot of what ordinary humans have. Things, including feelings, including the energy to deal with the world. From a realistic point of view, those trivial personnel matters will slowly distract him.

So, just like the end of this movie, the hero and the heroine did not usher in the finale of love each other. On the contrary, the hostess stroked the male host's face and said, this is your mask. You are now a crime nemesis, and the person I love deeply, he has never returned.

I always think that Nolan is very idealistic. Idealism and innocence are not the same thing, innocence is because they have not experienced the polishing of reality and still maintain their natural innocence, and idealistic people know how complicated the world constructed by social rules is. It is complex, not dark. If you think that there is only darkness in this society, it is because you are broken by society like a steel bar, and then compromise. Complexity is a neutral term, because a truly idealistic person will see the darkness of this society, but this will not squeeze out the beauty of this society that he knows, and beauty and darkness together construct the complexity of this society.
Darkness always coexists with beauty, this is reality.

So Nolan can use such a realistic angle to shoot this film, not as versatile as Superman, not like Spider-Man, who only touches the skin despite the difficulties and dangers. The reality is because darkness is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and idealism is because some people still insist on justice in fear.

Some people say that the British are like gentlemen and Americans are like big boys. Therefore, in order to cater to market demand, many Hollywood heroic films do not need to explain the reasons why the male protagonist (sometimes the female protagonist) can reach such a state from a deep level. Such a realistic and logical plot routine is not the true meaning of popcorn movies. . Lao Mei is generally stupid and naive. What people love to see is how they use their actions to show their heroic qualities.

Therefore, those works that can reflect the authenticity of the protagonist stand out, and seem to be gradually rising. For example, the BBC mini-series Sherlock, now thinking about it, the first season is really exciting, but the second season is more real. In S2E1, Sherlock met a female opponent, which made him realize that he would also be entangled with the opposite sex; in E2, Sherlock was forced to hallucinate by biochemical objects, which made him realize that he also had fears; in E3, he cared about Then several people were actually used as weights, so that he realized that he had something that he couldn't put down.

The real thing is always complicated, and any single side of good or bad does not represent the truth. In Sherlock, the male protagonist has become more humane because of his weaknesses. In Batman Prequel 1, the male protagonist decided to defend justice after facing fear, making this film different from most Hollywood commercial movies in the past.

Because we always know that people are imperfect, everyone has weaknesses and even defects. But fortunately, the real society is not an idol drama. It is not only the sparkling Mary Su who can become the protagonist. Just as the real society is so complicated but charming, each individual is full of charm because of his own uniqueness. In this uniqueness, advantages and disadvantages coexist.

The flaws include inexplicable fear.

Probably everyone will have such a puzzled place in their hearts, waiting for answers from the outside world or waiting for themselves to wake up at a certain moment. That may be why we are still at a loss and at a loss for life.
But people are different from people. For example, when I chatted with the author of a psychology book before, what he had always wondered in his heart was what the truth of the world was, but for me, this was not a problem. In other words, it used to be a problem, and because I have experienced some things, I can draw more nutrients from these things because I think too much, because life is so real to me.
Jobs said: "Reminding myself that I am about to die is my most important tool when judging major decisions. Because almost everything, all external expectations, all reputation, all fear of embarrassment or failure, when facing death, It’s all gone, and only the most important things will stay.”
It’s true, you don’t necessarily need to experience death, but if you are sensitive enough, some psychological situations will be more tormented than death. When overcome, it is equal to rebirth. As a result, life has never been so real.

And what I have always been confused about is what makes me afraid.

4 In the
past, you would feel that happiness is so real. Later, you would feel that happiness is so short-lived. In the end, you finally realize that suffering is the truth. Certain happiness is not qualified for everyone, and the same, certain sufferings are not qualified for everyone, and when you persevere, you can be called a warrior.
Warriors are not blind and brave, but advance through difficulties. There is only one kind of success, which is to stick to the beliefs longer than ordinary people.

The ninja master said to the hero, what you really fear is your heart, you are afraid of your power, afraid that it will force you to do great or terrible things.
What we cannot break through has always been the prison set by ourselves. That is your bottom line. You are afraid of the unknown self after breaking through the bottom line.

If you want to understand yourself, you must know what your bottom line is and what is the biggest limit you can face. The bottom line describes your scope of survival and even vision.
The advantages are not enough, and the fearless courage of the ignorant is not enough. They make you think without thinking, but are easily swept by the real storm.

Just like to understand this real society, you have to know the shadows behind the sun, and then choose your path to live.

5 In
"Call Me Number One", the male protagonist has Tourette's disease and makes strange screams during the conversation. It was not until later that his primary school principal helped him overcome the low self-esteem caused by this disease. . So the male protagonist has always wanted to be an educator like the principal, because he knows what a truly outstanding education worker means to a student like him. But because he always made strange screams in conversation, he restricted him from continuing to pursue his desire to be a teacher. He had tried to overcome, even hiding his own shortcomings, but still couldn't overcome it. It wasn't until one day his stepmother went to see him and said to him: "You always try to defeat it, why don't you treat it as a friend?"

Then I vaguely knew what my fear touched. Perfectionists are most afraid of being imperfect, so even if they are open-minded and tolerant of the public, they still cannot accept their imperfect self. It’s too easy to produce guilt and guilt, and it’s too easy to put all the blame on oneself.
Even if you use the method of psychological suggestion to keep telling yourself that you don't need to make everyone like you, you are already good enough, and there is no way to completely relieve your inner discouragement.
So I finally found out what I feared.
It is a sense of loss of control, called a situation that will never be reached.

It was also at that time that I discovered that the best way to face fear is not necessarily to remove it and forget it. Some things cannot be eliminated. You can't deceive yourself that they don't exist anymore. They follow you like a memory, sometimes it's the memory itself.
If you can't get rid of it, let's live together. Fear can also be a kind of power.

So the male protagonist in "Call Me Number One" said: Tourette's disease will not prevent me from chasing my dreams, it is even my friend.
Because of his own psychogenic obstacles, he formed part of his dream. If there is no such disease, he would not choose such a path.

And a line in Batman's Prequel 1 said: To overcome fear, it becomes fear itself.

Let it slowly blend into your heart until it becomes the thickest copper wall and iron wall outside the heart.

We will always see the positive forces that support us and think that they are the factors that make us complete, but ignore the sadness of the past and the shackles that can not be shaken off, and also shape the perfect self.
You never have a single side. Life is so broad, hard and successful, and has always been interdependent and inclusive.

This is a true story, about the choice between sunlight and darkness, and about the fear behind the hero. The real world is that each individual is as complex and diverse as the society itself, instead of just illuminating the beauty of them like fluorescent lights converge on heroes; in the
real world, almost no one is unfettered, let alone all. People can despise their own bottom line in their lifetime. That is your weakest place, and it is also your source of strength. A true hero is not without fear, because of fear, he is invincible.

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Extended Reading

Batman Begins quotes

  • Henri Ducard: Your anger gives you great power. But if you let it, it will destroy you. As it almost did me.

    Bruce Wayne: What stopped it?

    Henri Ducard: Vengeance.

  • Bruce Wayne: Well, a guy who dresses up like a bat clearly has issues.