Tainted Witness

Graham 2022-03-16 09:01:01

History is always surprisingly similar, or replayed in horror. Many film and television works have demonstrated the ability of the US CIA to "turn hands for clouds and hands for rain", and this time is no exception. "One of the 50 most outstanding agents" is the protagonist of the film. However, the people rescued by the protagonist (and the ones who haven't been rescued), on the other hand, are more like tainted witnesses from a bad history.
Of course, the export of American values ​​has been around for a long time. From "Saving Private Ryan" to save one by eight, to save six by one in this film, they all demonstrate its core concept of "people-oriented". Excluding all risks and saving lives to save others is always worthy of praise. However, the true background of the film tells people that only those people in the US Embassy in Tehran became hostages, and the culprit was the US government.
Pulling a bit far away, to take a closer look, Saddam was overthrown and sentenced; Gaddafi's corpse wilderness, is it more like a copy of history? However, the two dictators may be entangled to death: why Pahlavi can be protected by the United States, but they have to be so punished? History is like a mirror, reflecting the glamour or nasty of reality.
In fact, it is a headache to talk about history and politics. But I have to say, the CIA, CIA, Mossad, MI6, and the "relevant departments" of our country. Are these mysterious and powerful organizations always changing certain historical evolution processes? If I don't understand, I won't complain.
However, no matter what, the actions of the U.S. government are for the well-being of its citizens. From this point of view, the stained history radiates a fascinating light.
Talking about the movie for a long time, there is actually nothing to say. This is just a movie with historical events as a gimmick. What the director can do is to turn the not-so-righteous events into a patriotic educational film through the interpretation of the film.
Patriotic is always right. However, it is difficult to say that Bashar is not patriotic, so will he be next?

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Argo quotes

  • Jack O'Donnell: [dropping Tony off at the airport] I'm required to remind you that if you're detained, the Agency will not claim you.

    Tony Mendez: They barely claim me as it is.

  • Tony Mendez: If we're caught, you and Pat go on trial for harboring the enemy. You know that, right?

    Ken Taylor: Pat and I have discussed it. It's the risk we took.