Various embarrassing complaints

Zelma 2022-03-15 09:01:01

In order to make Nen JOE look like old JOE, Jiao Cerf is forced to form old prestige. Actually, I don’t understand, why can’t I find an old JOE like tender JOE or a tender JOE like old JOE! Your sister, I watched the movie to see the embarrassing look of Cerf, but from the beginning I wondered if I was in the wrong hall! ! ! ! !

The director deliberately briefly described Loopers' work details at the beginning of the movie. This part is a bit like prometheus, but prometheus succeeded in explaining why he wanted to go to an alien, but the audience was even more dizzy after listening to a bunch of statements by Jiao Cerf. Why did you suddenly walk out of a person and kill him immediately? If those are people who have traveled from the future, then they were killed in the "past", then the person in 2044 will also disappear immediately! ! ! !

About consciousness. Since it is said that old JOE can experience the memories of Nun JOE at the same time, before Nun JOE discovered Sid's superpowers very hindsight, the wise old JOE should have known this fact earlier and went straight to the third one. The house! Nima, I knew when Sid made a high-tech frog that he is the so-called rain maker, OK! ! ! ! I know it all at the low end! ! !

Sid is even more speechless when it comes to Sid! Since he has the super powers of the Hulk (even dozens of times more powerful, because he can knock everyone on the scene without having to shoot), then no one can destroy him! Including old JOE! ! You can be shocked directly, OK! ! ! How can Nen JOE self-mutilate! ! !

Although it is really embarrassing after reading, but also praise the sound effects.

Let’s talk about it at the end, the clips of the Chinese girl keep repeating and annoying

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Looper quotes

  • Older Joe: This is a piece of indentifying information on the Rainmaker. He's here. He lives here now. In this county. And I'm gonna use this to find him. And I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna stop him from killing my wife.

    Joe: Fuck you. And your wife. None of this concerns me.

    Older Joe: This is gonna happen...

    Joe: It happened to you. It doesn't have to happen to me. You got a picture right there in my watch? Let me see. Show me the picture. As soon as I see her, I walk away. I'll fucking marry someone else. Promise. So when I see that picture, that fog inside your brain should just swallow up all the memories, right? She'll be gone. If you give her up, she'll be safe.

    Older Joe: Give her up?

    Joe: Yeah, give her up. You're the one who got her killed. She never meets you, she's safe.

    Older Joe: You don't understand. We don't have to give her up. I'm not gonna give her up. I'm gonna save her.

  • Joe: There's a reason we're called loopers. When we sign up for this job, taking out the future's garbage, we also agree to a very specific proviso. Time travel in the future is so illegal, that when our employers want to close our contracts, they'll also want to erase any trace of their relationship with us ever existing. So if we're still alive 30 years from now, they'll find our older self, zap him back to us, and we'll kill him like any other job. This is called closing your loop. Eh, you get a golden payday, you get a handshake, and you get released from your contract. Enjoy the next 30 years. This job doesn't tend to attract the most forward-thinking people.