Fuck, such an inspirational ending is not my thing at all! !

Keith 2022-03-21 09:01:10

Taking drugs as the main thread, the five people lived a decadent life. Relying on drug use to avoid the pain of life, self-destruction is just to forget one's self-destruction.
Then accidentally hung up one. Rabbits and foxes hurt their kind, but soon they began to sell drugs again.

In the end, the actor betrayed them and led a normal life. I feel swollen, and I feel that the opening words and the closing words are completely out of harmony. Whoops, lead people up!

Look at you striding forward and throwing yourself into life. If you don’t love him, why do you want to put a yoke on yourself """"""

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Trainspotting quotes

  • Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: It wasn't just the baby that died that day. Something inside Sick Boy was lost and never returned. It seemed that he had no theory with which to explain a moment like this... nor did I. Our only response was to keep on going and 'fuck everything'. pile misery upon misery, heap it up on a spoon and dissolve it with a drop of bile, then squirt it into a stinking, puerile vein and do it all over again. Keep on going, getting up, going out, robbing, stealing, fucking people over. Propelling ourselves with longing towards the day that it would all go wrong, because no matter how much you stash, or how much you steal you never have enough. No matter how often you go out and rob and fuck people over, you always need to get up and do it all over again.

  • Spud: [singing] Did you think I would leave you crying, when there's room on my horse for two? Climb up here, Tommy and don't be dying, I can go just as fast with two. When we grow up we'll both be soldiers And our horses will not be toys, and I wonder if we'll remember when we were two little boys.