Life with you is the most gorgeous adventure

Earl 2022-03-21 09:01:07

You say how long your life is and how much courage it takes to pay you to death.
Carl and Ellie met at a young age, boys are shy and blushing when chatting with girls, girls are crazy and enthusiastic when talking about dreams, they will be full of energy. It's just a coincidence that they worshiped the great explorer at the same time, so that the two people who were different from each other decided to go together in the future.
The fate is really wonderful.
Sweet days always forget the passage of time, no matter the hardships and difficulties, they will jump like background music briskly. Happiness is always the theme of the little people. The dream of adventure from a young age is too thin and gradually becomes an embellishment of a wonderful life. Carl brings colorful balloons to the children every day, in exchange for the innocent smiling faces of children. Days are as hopeful as the brightest sunshine in summer.
Until Ellie leaves.
The speed of urban development is as unstoppable as the flow of time, and their houses are slowly being surrounded by the ruins of demolition. The elderly Carl found his stubbornness in loneliness, and stuck to the house warmed by memories, unwilling to leave. The forgotten dream gradually shined again. Finally one day, Carl took his beloved house out of the cold city with colorful balloons, and took Ellie to fulfill the promise that had been stranded for a lifetime.
The color of the balloon is like Alice’s colorful dream when she was young.
The plot that follows is nothing more than a cliché story of treacherous adventures on the road, fighting against the bad guys and fighting against the bad guys. The bad guys lose their conscience enough, but the ultimate truth that good and evil are rewarded is still unreservedly offered in its entirety.
Balloons can’t support the weight of the house. When you need to throw away things to reduce the load, Carl throws away all the things that are full of memories. The two seats next to the messy things are placed upright. There is enough reason to cry at this moment. One game.
The adventure when I was young was to choose to be with you, thank you for your future dependence on life and death.
Carl looked at the world that Elly could not see, and met her dreams that she had never met before. When the colorful balloons crossed the sky, the crazy promise of childhood had come true.
Allie’s dream adventure book records her childhood yearning for distant places, and the pages originally intended to record her adventure life are filled with the peaceful happiness of the long days of mutual support. Compared to expeditions, the days with him seem to be more memorable.
Fairy tales always show the shining and shining side of the world. Respecting the old and loving the young are willing to help others innocent and kind. It doesn't matter to describe all the beautiful words. Just like Eri and Carl’s childhood, the fairyland waterfall can be seen in the dark night.
The plot puts its selling point on the subsequent adventure, but the adventure plot becomes more exciting and thrilling, so the previously plain plot is more and more buried with touching power.
The colorful balloons are full of love.
If all this is just a dream, and it can continue for a long time after waking up, it is no longer important whether you can see the scenery you look forward to, and having your company is the most precious treasure.
For Ellie, the magnificent adventure to the fairyland waterfall has been slowly unfolded at the moment of choosing Carl.

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