The first step of "God Unfolding"

Alexandria 2022-10-22 13:29:19

If you ask me what "Lost" (season 1) said, I might only tell you that in the first season of "Lost", the director and screenwriter are constantly laying clues and suspense.

The more clues and suspense are laid, the more people will look forward to the "god unfolding" in the back.

These clues and suspense will definitely bring complex and changeable plots. In the first season of "Lost", I got a lot of excitement. The one who impressed me most was the extra man who impersonated an airplane passenger. His appearance was really damn evil.

Throughout the first season of "Lost", the reality of the disaster on the island and the past of each character are interspersed to advance the drama, which not only gives the drama a certain depth, but also makes the island that is slightly thin and aesthetically fatigued. The story is richer and more beautiful.

So far, my favorite character after watching the first season is the bald uncle with his legs disabled. The secrets in his body and the things he knows will surely bring more troubles and questions later. At the end of the first season, the plot of "Lost" seems to be clear.

Sometimes I really feel that watching "Lost" is competing with the screenwriter, always looking forward to a clear answer to the story, but I don't want to expose everything too quickly... But perhaps this is the charm of "Lost" itself. Where is it!

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Lost quotes

  • [repeated line]

    John Locke: Don't tell me what I can't do.

  • Charlie Pace: Guys... where ARE we?