I need a fire in winter

Ayla 2022-03-21 09:01:02

Winter is a period of high incidence of romantic light comedies.
Feed yourself at night, lie in bed and browse groups of men and women looking for, dancing, vows, sex, breaking up, kissing, crying, hugging, laughing. Regardless of whether you step into the auditorium or not, there will always be someone who readily accepts what another person says: I love you more than I can say. I think this is very good. In the tone of the opening film, you know that your expectations will not be lost. Sadness is a physically demanding thing, and now I want to get in touch with something warm, such as the happy ending of a movie.

Phil fell into a loop that scared me more than him: every today is a loop of yesterday. The alarm clock rang punctually at 6 in the morning. He went out to meet the tenants, landlords, town residents rushing to participate in the Groundhog Festival, old people standing on the corner begging, flattering high school classmates, and colleagues who came to announce together. He even Stepped into the puddle on the same street three times in a row. Regardless of what absurd or dangerous things he did on this day, the alarm clock went off at 6 o'clock in the morning on time the next day, and all the experiences of yesterday were automatically cleared as if they had never happened.

If this theme goes a little deeper, critically, and philosophically, it can be made into a desperate movie. It can show mercilessly how boring life is due to repetition. Yes, when Phil changed a trick to commit suicide, I immediately thought of my fear. Not the fear of death, but the fear of tomorrow. Just like Phil, no matter how hard you live today, create something different to please yourself. You can easily satisfy your desires by playing some cleverness, but when you wake up early in the morning, you know you have to Repeat the hopelessness of yesterday.

Phil is omniscient about everything that is about to happen today. He said that he is a god, but he is not at the level of a god. I agree. He can correct the mistakes he has made and change the fate of others. But after all, this movie cannot justify itself. For example, Phil changed tricks to please Rita in order to make her fall in love with herself in one day, and she would forget all this and be fooled again and again the next day. Angry and sad, but Phil can remember yesterday and yesterday's accumulated memories and experiences, just like learning piano and ice sculpture and slowly developing his true heart for Rita. This should be something of the same attribute. People see what they want to see. Light comedy, you will always be selectively fooled.

But a movie needs an ending just like a journey needs an end and love needs to swear. I also know that I am waiting for the ending. When Phil began to give up breaking through and truly love the people around him and help them through their difficulties, Rita also fell in love with him. Perhaps the ending of the movie is to say that true love can break the curse of life. From the day when the two love each other, everything will be different. Or maybe the director wants to tell everyone a positive attitude to face life and transform oneself. After all, it is better to live a day sorrowful and irritable than to live a day happily and hopefully.

If I now say that I have seen through the truth of life, it means that I still have not changed the habit of being arrogant as a teenager. I just need a real fire to accompany me to find the antidote to life.

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Extended Reading

Groundhog Day quotes

  • Phil: [Holding Phil the Groundhog behind the wheel] Don't drive angry. Don't drive angry!

  • Rita: Three hundred and thirty-nine dollars and eighty-eight cents!