One day off

Noah 2022-03-20 09:01:03

On November 12th, I will remember this day. The movie will be on February 2nd forever. On this day I saw the most romantic movie I have ever seen. After watching it, tears were surging and my heart was surging and I couldn't calm down for a quarter of an hour, and I actually felt sighed. What sighs is that for this 1993 work, I like to be willing to spend money to support it, but there is nowhere to spend it. Like this kind of romantic comedy without special effects and no big names, DVD has long been extinct in the market, and its owner cannot make it into a Blu-ray version. It even took me nearly a week to download illegally, many times in the middle of being seedless and passive...

seriously, I regretted it when it first started. Although this movie is in the 90s, how come the subtitles at the beginning are like the 70s of! The actors in the show are so shabby, so don't talk about it. Don't you even do something as simple as a hairstyle? ! Because I have seen the synopsis, I know that everything will be the same as yesterday when the protagonist gets up the next day. But the scene broadcasting and so on are exactly the same. I can't help but sigh, making this kind of movie really saves money! The filming was finished in a day...The director also understandably made the hero bored with me. Well, let's see when I can get bored.

The same boringness of the first three days passed, and interesting things came. The male pig's feet began to tease this day. Whether it is clever or brave, it can make people laugh, but what's the point? ...The

meaning comes out! In the last third of the film, the male pig's feet have a real entangled and helpless love with the female pig's feet (she is not a superhero). He changed for her, enriched and changed himself in every vomiting "yesterday". Real change, not skillful to please (I shouldn't be spoiled).

Life is meaningful because of you. On this day, I am willing to repeat it tens of thousands of times. Falling in love with you is my daily homework, but it is my lifetime homework to make you fall in love with me.

Before, after I didn't want to stay in this small town where the mascot was used for a
second, I repeated my every day to bring everyone in this town the best day of my life.
In between, after a day or a catastrophe, I don’t know

I only know that your simplicity and kindness have made me appreciate to $339.88. No matter what happens tomorrow or the rest of my life, I am happy now because I love you...

PS: I found it on the "Yahoo 100 Must-See Movies Before Death List", this list is really awesome Up! Regardless of the box office, the technical content, the IMDB score, and the level of tormenting the audience, the movies in it will definitely make you enjoyable after watching it, and will not have the feeling of "the emperor's new outfit". If I don't finish reading these before I die, I really can't bear to close my eyes!

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Groundhog Day quotes

  • Phil: [Holding Phil the Groundhog behind the wheel] Don't drive angry. Don't drive angry!

  • Rita: Three hundred and thirty-nine dollars and eighty-eight cents!