Hard work in plain and bitterness is also the taste of happiness

Allan 2021-10-13 13:06:55

"When Happiness is Knocking at the Door" I thought it was a romance film at first, but the result was unexpected. It was a film that was truly moving and full of inspirational and positive energy.

This movie is based on the real life story of Chris Gardner, an African American investment expert. The protagonist, Chris Gardner, represents a medical device, carrying a scanner on the streets every day to promote sales. But work was not smooth. I went out early and returned late every day. I didn’t get the rewards for my hard work. The wife and children in the family had to feed, rent, taxes, and car expenses. The wife had to work more than ten hours a day until One day it finally broke out and left him. In the end, his house was taken back, so he could only take his son while looking for a job while rushing for his daily residence, and even nearly got hit by a car for a bed in the shelter. In the end, he did not give up the hard work and talent, and finally won him a very good job. Happiness knocked on the door, and he and his son lived a happy life.

The whole film is very touching is the interaction between the male protagonist and his son, which contains deep feelings in the ordinary. Chris Gardner shed a total of three tears, which is hard to see for a strong father. The first time he shed tears was when he and his son were evicted from renting their apartment because they had no money to pay the rent, and wandered to the toilet in the subway station for the night. Because he didn’t want his sleeping son to be awakened by people rushing to go to the toilet outside, he was forced to press the toilet door with his feet, while he was holding his sleeping son half-lying in the toilet, tears slowly. Falling from the corner of his eyes, this strong father left tears of self-blame. These tears kept him from giving up and cheered harder! The second time we shed tears was in the church of the asylum, and the poor and wandering people sang "Lord don't move that mountain" together, so that this strong man shed tears again. This is the tears of my heart: God, don’t let the danger leave, give me the power to climb; please don’t remove the stumbling block under my step, and guide me forward; although the burden is on my shoulders, the suffering is unbearable, I will not Never give up! Although the difficulties temporarily blocked the progress of the group fight, I will stick to it and remove all obstacles. At this time, his heart was filled with power again, and he realized that all difficulties are the tempering of the will, and he cannot give up! The last time I shed tears was when Chris Gardner heard the supervisor of the securities company ask him personally: Would you like to come to work in our company? He said yes. At this moment, Chris Gardner’s tears blurred his eyes. They were tears of excitement, and tears of happiness! "This part of my life, this small stage, is called'happiness'". When Chris Gardner hugged his son deeply and shared the joy with his son, he truly realized the feeling of happiness knocking on the door!

The hard work in plain and bitterness will eventually knock on the door in exchange for happiness!

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."