"It's just that I am not yours"

Alan 2022-03-22 09:01:06

Never watch sensational fragmentary literary films. But I watched this twice and couldn't hold back tears. This is not a love story, but it may be a story that anyone has experienced.
When you meet someone who makes your heart move, it is simply a wonderful thing.
There are so many people in the world. You were born in different places, grew up in your mother's arms, graduated from school, and so on. You are two completely unrelated parallel lines.
Until one day, the boy met the girl, her teeth, her knees, the birthmark on her neck, her laughter, and everything else seemed destined to be loved by you. You have the same weird hobbies, the same era and the same rock music. You love her, but she will only say "I like you" forever. The long distance hurts the one who loves more.
Want to know the truth? The truth is desperate, and I don't dare to know the answer that will definitely hurt me when I ask her; if I don't ask, it is my uneasy entanglement. After being questioned, there was a breakdown, and then her departure. This self-deception, like a tasteless feeling, is like the job that is not compatible with the major and hobbies he is studying, but is reluctant to do it for life.
Because you can't give her what she wants, and you are not who she thinks.
TOM dare not pursue, ask, resent, reluctant to let go, and even secretly cursed SUMMER. In fact, he didn't understand at all, and it was these naive behaviors and irrational love that made SUMMER not choose him in the end.
There are some things she has not said to anyone, but it does not mean that you are special, you are the same as them, not the one whose fate is the last-even if you dare not talk to her, she takes the initiative to hum your earphones The song here strikes up a conversation with you; even if you dare not say "I like you", you dare not admit it when she asks "what kind of like?" It makes you at a loss; even if she takes you to IKEA to play home games; even if she invites you at the engagement dinner party... You think she gave her a chance, but she gave you more chances, as a result You are not the hero of the graduates who bravely snatched the bride. You don't even know why she shed tears when she sees that boring graduate. Well, although she may not really like you so much, do you love her enough? In the final analysis, what you love is just your own pitiful little taste.
She has been hurt, doesn't believe in the so-called love, and wants to become a robot. In fact, what she has always wanted is a more stable relationship than her boyfriend and girlfriend, and she dare not face it because she is afraid of more harm. I cried when I saw the ending of "The Graduate" in the movie theater, but felt that the emotions were a little shameful, "I feel stupid." At the same time, I realized what I really need. In fact, a girl with a hard heart is still a silly girl.
Soon, one day, the man who struck up when SUMMER was holding a book suddenly became the person she spent her life with, "Why is it him? This is amazing" she said, and she thought it was a gift from heaven. Destiny; in fact, how is it different from TOM's feeling when he first saw SUMMER? The love that TOM originally believed in was trampled by SUMMER and became disbelief in love; now TOM has become SUMMER, and SUMMER has become TOM—"In fact, nothing was wrong before, I have been thinking that TOM is right, but But I’m not yours.” It turns out that nothing is wrong, but the wrong time and the wrong person/or wrong from the beginning.
Finally, TOM, who was changed by SUMMER, quit the job he didn't like, went to interview in the industry of his dreams, and took the first step bravely—inviting AUTOUMN to have coffee together. Even if AUTUMN is not yours, there are also WINTER, SPRING...
Fortunately, summer is past and autumn will definitely come.

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500 Days of Summer quotes

  • McKenzie: So, do you have a boyfriend?

    Summer: No...

    McKenzie: Why not?

    Summer: 'Cause I don't want one.

    McKenzie: Come on. I don't believe that.

    Summer: You don't believe that a woman could enjoy being free and independent?

    McKenzie: [robotic voice] Are you a lesbian?

    Summer: No, I'm not a lesbian. I just don't feel comfortable being anyone's girlfriend. I don't actually feel comfortable being anyone's anything, you know?

  • Summer: I like being on my own. Relationships are messy and people's feelings get hurt. Who needs it? We're young. We live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Might as well have fun while we can and save the serious stuff for later.