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27 Dresses Reviews

  • Ona 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    laity's impression

    I don’t have the habit of writing movie reviews, and I don’t like to be like many people. After watching a movie, I think about whether its subject matter is novel, whether its angle is unique, whether it is a commercial film or something. I am a layman, I only know that after reading this story, I...

  • Shania 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    Small feelings in small movies

    Why is it a small movie? Because the plot is so cheesy. Secret love, broken love, relief; chance encounter, ambiguous, misunderstanding, true love. The classic Hollywood route, kindly despise it. However, such a bridge is indeed a honey to adjust the mood. I admire the speed and intensity of its...

  • Kirsten 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    The porridge heroine changes 27 sets of clothes

    The part of the porridge heroine changing 27 clothes reminds me of the sasa, if you want her to change 27 clothes, she must be very happy and the little girls are very porridge to buy new clothes to change . Put on different good-looking clothes, put on a beautiful pose, and take the best photo of...

  • Shaun 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    afternoon dessert

    The perfect bridesmaid is eagerly looking forward to that beautiful moment of her own while carefully preparing for the wedding of others. That miss in the film was really sad, "what if Jane confessed first?", that kind of thought stuck in my head. Perhaps, he will still change his mind; perhaps,...

  • Rubie 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    a little rant

    After attending a colleague's wedding, I looked back at it on a whim.

    I really like Casey, the heroine's best friend, she is the queen of Slay! The world is sober, and love and hate are clear. When the heroine is "sick", she can simply slap her to wake her up, and at the same time give the heroine...

  • Marianna 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    The heroine is pua's life from start to finish by all characters

    I'm so pissed off. The heroine of the movie was fooled by pua from beginning to end. If it wasn't for convincing Taoism and photography, it was normal. I would really give one star.

    First of all, my younger sister's mother died early, my father was partial to my younger sister, and my younger sister...

  • Aimee 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    Beauty starts from the moment of change

    Just watched the movie, it's the American Love Little Fresh series that I've always liked. Female pig's feet belong to the kind of woman who is tolerant of all things, works well, is meticulous and conscientious, has strict feelings, and is very self-control and tolerant. . To sum up, it is the...

  • Juliet 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    It made me look forward to the wedding

    Every time other girls attend a wedding, they will only look forward to the wonderful moment when they put on the wedding dress. I'm on the contrary, every time I go to a wedding, I think I'm not going to have a wedding when I get married. A wedding is just a form, cumbersome, tired, and fake. As...

  • Deja 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    Hey. . .

    Hope one day, I can meet you. And I fell in love with the real you. I understand your hesitation and your melancholy. I have witnessed your happiness and your disappointment. From the first encounter to the most touching moment, what I admire turns out to be the most real you, brave, confident,...

  • Nils 2022-04-21 09:01:55

    Find your own 28th set~

    She is optimistic, looking forward to a beautiful love and a happy marriage. She is engaged in the job of a wedding planner that she has liked since she was a child. She has a boss George who has a crush on her for a long time. Everything that seemed to be peaceful was broken by the arrival of her...