Unwilling to forget

Destin 2022-03-21 09:01:05

After reading many technical posts, I no longer want to delve into the content. What made me like this movie should be the words of Nietzsche and Alexander quoted by Mary.

Blessd are the forgetful for they get the better even of their blunders. Nietzsche’s words, this reminds me of what Xi Du said in "Earth and Evil": People’s trouble is that they have too good memory. If you can forget everything, in the future Every day is a new beginning, how good you say.
I used to like this line very much, and I often feel that there are too many troubles in life, but I don't know that the biggest trouble is that I have a good memory so that I can't forget all the troubles. Nietzsche also said that forgetting is happy, forgetting one's own stupidity and mistakes while forgetting.
However, when you are faced with the same situation as Joel, how would you choose? Perhaps I said that there are too many horns to drill. If you classify life as troubles and happiness, you can selectively eliminate the memories of troubles and leave all happy memories. But many times, we choose one thing or even a person, and memories of pain and happiness are mixed in it. It is necessary to go further, let's narrow down the scope, if Joel in the movie is you, how would you choose?

Line 209 of Pope’s "Elois to Abelard":
How happy is the blameless vestal's lot, The world forgetting, by the world forgot, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Each prayer accepted and each wish resigned .
chaste Vestal virgin is so happy!
Forget the world, but also be forgotten by the world, the
beautiful soul shines with eternal sunshine!
Every prayer is accepted, every wish can be given up.

How happy it is to forget the world and be forgotten by the world! I have a sense of situation. The ancient temple bell of a thousand-year-old temple in the mountains and lonely forests is empty before my eyes. The old monk who has nothing to do with the world should be the happiest, right? Most of us don't think so.
There is another sentence behind Xidu: Zui Sheng Meng Di, but she made a joke with me. The more you want to forget some things, the stronger you will remember. When there are things you cannot get, the only thing you can do is not to forget.

The front is a bit messy, I only know that the most painful thing in life is to have no memories and forget the past. At the age of innocence and romance, I imagined that when I was old, I would lie on a wicker chair with the person who walked with me for most of my life, bathing in the warm sunshine, and reminiscing about our past, the romance of the past, the laughter of the past. The tears of the past ups and downs and the desperateness of everything. I can even proudly tell my children the three most romantic words "I want to be back then".

If I'm the same as Joel, and the woman on the other side feels terrible, her whole body is ill, my God, why have I spent so long with her? ! He didn’t know that the ordinary life would always corrode each other’s passions. Occasional quarrels are indeed a lubricant. You don’t have to understand quarrels as the other person’s resentment and boredom towards yourself. In fact, it’s just a distorted caring, and it’s filled with brains. It is the most instinctive and direct impulse when the idea of ​​changing the status quo is at a loss but at a loss.

Dongxie: "Although I like her very much, I never told her. Because I know that what I can't get is always the best."
This is a very awkward sentence. If you like someone, just tell the TA. What you can't get is always the best. That's because the strangers who pass by you in the bustling crowd are all wearing masks. The him you see is not the real him. Maybe the first thing that attracts you is a certain trait of TA, whether it is a good face or a strong figure, if you really like TA, speak it out. If you are lucky enough, you will be able to truly understand the person you like. See all the good and bad of TA. Many lovers break up because they first liked someone because they saw the shining point of the other person. As the relationship deepened, they found that the other party had many shortcomings, so they separated because of a gap in their hearts. I can’t accept that the person next to my pillow has been pretending to be in front of me. Isn’t that terrible? I stopped preaching. I just want to say that if you love someone, it means accepting his good or bad. The green apples have to go through the washing of time to be sweet and delicious. Isn't it the same for people?

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind quotes

  • [Hammering noises in the background]

    Rob: Fuck!

    Carrie: Rob, give it a rest.

    Rob: Carrie, I am making a birdhouse.

  • Joel: This is working like gangbusters.