Don't rot into the cinema

Marcellus 2022-03-21 09:01:07

For this film,
I resisted not downloading it and
waiting until it was released on the mainland.
Yesterday I went into the cinema and saw
that most of the people in the
audience were women == and during the period
watched it, some of the women who kept laughing were some women. This shows that most of the people who went in were rotten people. After it came out, Woman A: "I don't understand why so many people laugh, I don't understand where the laugh is at all!"
Sister, of course you don't know where the laugh is, because women who know where the laugh is rotten
So this movie is
the suggestion to sell rotten, cute, not rotten or not to go to the cinema.
I'm afraid you guys are sitting and watching a group of crazy women bursting out laughing. I don’t know what they are laughing. After they come out, they drop the ticket and say that it is not worth watching.

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Sherlock Holmes quotes

  • Sherlock Holmes: What of the coffin, Lestrade?

    Inspector Lestrade: Well, we are in the process of bringing it up.

    [Holmes looks at the unmoving constables]

    Sherlock Holmes: Indeed? What stage of the process? Contemplative?

  • Sherlock Holmes: First, the world will see you for what you are: a fraud. Then you'll be hanged - properly, this time.

    Lord Blackwood: It's a long journey from here to the rope.