let me be with U (please use the cute sound at the beginning of "Human Shape Computer Angel Heart" to read)

Darryl 2022-03-21 09:01:07

"When I was young, I also thought of marrying a certain woman as his wife, and then lived in a normal life, but more often, I thought of the princes and generals, and I would rather be kind, always feel that I should have such a wave, then I don’t In vain, he has gone through the world for a while; when he was in college, he said, "How can a man be a wife without a wife?" and I am willing to be a trainee knight of the Knights of the Holy Bachelor; I’ve been in a state of sexual depression and my head caught in the door. It’s not surprising to say that. It’s just that I’ve suffered. I can only cringe when I watch "Flying House Ring Tour" alone with the "Inner Cow Full of Face". I have to declare to the public: I don’t

watch "UP", he is lonely!"-------Digression on a topic that has already been off-topic. I finished watching this animation on November 10th, and it was postponed to the 19th. I always felt that I had to write something. What, there are so many clues in my mind that I can't type a word.
Hiding in the corner and watched it for the third time, I finally stopped crying, and was able to quietly chew the sweetness and bitterness of that 12 minutes.
When I was young, everyone had a dream. When I was young, the author’s dream was that power prevailed in the world, and those who followed me would prosper against me and perish. In his childhood, the old man in "up" wanted a big adventure that shocked the world. Then he I met the man in his life in a broken house and yelled at the sealed window: We have risen to 9000 meters!

The next four minutes were horribly sweet. Life was as passionate as music. They fell in love, married, and raised their eyebrows as if they were loved by gods. Their lives were poor but happy, and happiness spread to everyone around them like a cold, as if pierced through the haze. Sunshine.
However, there are always regrets in life. When they find that it is impossible to have a child, the sadness and disappointment lasted for 2 minutes. The wife sat in the courtyard in despair, and he had to do something.

So I found out the childhood "book of big risks" and tried hard to realize the old dream. Hope and happiness are like coins in a glass bottle, filling up little by little again. But there is always too much helplessness in life, tires blow up, push-ups break legs, tornadoes blow the roof...The bottle has never been filled up, he and her who have changed their ties and kissed goodbye countless times, It's very old.

When I was cleaning the dust, I turned up the photos of her childhood. It was obviously such a green face, but it lightened his life like lightning a few decades ago. Seeing the mural painted by herself on the fireplace, the childlike voice seemed to be still in her ears: Tell you a secret, look here! Paradise Falls, where I will live in the future! ...... He licked his mouth and almost couldn't help crying.

Come up soon, he tried to beckon.
It is still the grassy sloping field where they often go on outings, everything is the same as before, except that they are already full of blooming hair and staggering.
She never went to the grass again, so she never had a chance to see the ticket in the picnic basket that seemed to shine brightly.

At the twelfth minute of the movie, the song ended, and without him and her, there was only the old man who was becoming more and more withdrawn in the house.

Breathing pain - Fish Leong

for the first time at the Tokyo Tower overlooking
watching the lights to imitate the stars fall
, I finally arrived but sad
a person to complete our dream

you always say that time is still a lot
you can wait for me
before I do not know
necessarily tomorrow there after

miss is the pain that breathes
, it lives in me all corners
hum the song you loved hurts,
looking at your letters hurts, even the silence hurts

regret is the pain that breathes
, it flows in the blood scroll back and forth
regretting not have cared pain
hate you will not understand the pain
imagine not see the most pain

When I watched the first time, in the 20th minute of the movie, the old man pulled the opening cloth, and the balloon took his house named Ai Li into the sky. At that moment, I thought I heard "Ode to Joy" and "Blooming In the MIX version of "Life" (Wang Feng), I watched the house fly over the office buildings and flew across the suburbs to the sky. I even changed my QQ signature to "Don't realize your dreams when you are old, fool".
After seeing it for the third time, I finally understood that this is just the old man’s remnant thoughts. Take his wife to continue his childhood adventures to fulfill his unfulfilled promise. If there were no fat children who entered, the old man would probably land smoothly in heaven. Waterfall, and then he will move out of his and Ai Li's beloved chair, flip through old photos, and remember to death.
After seeing all this, the last hour of the movie is just telling the story of an old man returning to human society. Although he is still healing, it appears commercial and vulgar.

In short, this is an animation that is very worth watching, especially when you are the kind of passionate young man who only listens to "Blooming Life" but not "The Pain of Breathing".

And for those who have been passionate about blood, or have never been passionate about it, the film just hopes that when you look through the gorgeous photos of the adventure book of life, you can notice the bits and pieces of header and footer annotated with graceful handwriting, those small whispers alone. Little happiness.

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Up quotes

  • Police Officer Edith: [after Carl gets back from the courtroom, at night] Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen. You don't seem like a public menace to me. Take this.

    [she hands him a Shady Oaks Retirement Village brochure]

    Police Officer Edith: The guys from Shady Oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?

  • Newsreel Announcer: [after the National Explorer's Society accuses Muntz of fabricating the "Monster of Paradise Falls" skeleton] The organization strips Muntz of his membership.

    [a patch is ripped off Muntz's jacket]

    Newsreel Announcer: Humiliated, Muntz vows a return to Paradise Falls and promises to capture the beast alive!

    Charles Muntz: [speaking to a large audience outside in the newsreel] I promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do!