Thanks for the adventures

Missouri 2022-03-20 09:01:06

I don’t want to talk about how many times I’ve been in the movie theater secretly taking out a tissue, covering my mouth, holding my tears,

when the old hut slowly rises with the colorful balloons, I know it’s two old people who have been with me for a lifetime. The wish is a cross on the chest, the promise is far more gorgeous than a balloon, far more beautiful than a paradise fall,

and life is like adventures, facing choices and trials, who knows what is waiting for us when we are expecting to go on the road What kind of partner scenery

even if one day that was once the shining beacon to guide us is gone
we can find a new journey of their own

thank all the way to have your company

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Up quotes

  • Police Officer Edith: [after Carl gets back from the courtroom, at night] Sorry, Mr. Fredricksen. You don't seem like a public menace to me. Take this.

    [she hands him a Shady Oaks Retirement Village brochure]

    Police Officer Edith: The guys from Shady Oaks will be by to pick you up in the morning, okay?

  • Newsreel Announcer: [after the National Explorer's Society accuses Muntz of fabricating the "Monster of Paradise Falls" skeleton] The organization strips Muntz of his membership.

    [a patch is ripped off Muntz's jacket]

    Newsreel Announcer: Humiliated, Muntz vows a return to Paradise Falls and promises to capture the beast alive!

    Charles Muntz: [speaking to a large audience outside in the newsreel] I promise to capture the beast alive, and I will not come back until I do!