Have you ever been poor?

Britney 2022-03-19 09:01:02

In fact, the plot is nothing unusual. A lower class of working people finally succeeded through their own efforts.
It is nothing more than his bottom line is lower than ours.
Why is this happening? It's not because he has a son that he becomes "Tekken Man".
How low a person's bottom line is depends entirely on how poor he is.

Have you ever been poor?

When I was the poorest, all the money added up to less than 100 yuan. Of course, I am not going to starve to death. I live in a school dormitory, and I can reach out to my parents if necessary. It is nothing more than a deduction in personal life.
There was a humiliation at the time. Having dinner with the BF at that time, he left the table and left. I couldn't pay for the meal, so I swallowed and begged him to come back.
This matter has not been mentioned for a long time. Seeing the movie today, I remembered it again and couldn't help crying.
Since then, I no longer make the mistake of not relying on others for my own life. Otherwise, you will become a person with no bottom line.

Of course, sometimes the humiliation is for a better life in the future. I'm afraid that some humiliation will only lower my bottom line.

How poor you were, how low your bottom line will be.

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."