"Watchman" in memory

Cleve 2022-03-20 09:01:05


written by Alan Moore before leaving that country in 2009. 12 original comics drawn by Dave Gibbons and colored by John Higgins were published in 1986 as the only Graphic Novel to win the Hugo Award. , Its depth is far beyond the general painting. Only this classic smiling face lying in a pool of blood, the coquettish, weird and decadent breath interspersed in it from the beginning.

The epigram of the Roman poet Juvenal: ... But Who will Watch the Watchmen (this is also true in the movie)? The frequent appearance of graffiti in comics is even more thought-provoking.

In fact, these so-called superheroes, except Doctor Manhattan, are ordinary people when they are not in uniform. After wearing the uniform, they are more resistant to hits and falls than normal people. There is no common Hero mode at all, omnipotent, heaven and earth, steel body, saint-like three views.

And the special background in the comics alluding to New York in a special era, the famous Kiss of Times Square, Kennedy’s assassination, the Vietnam War, the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union, and Nixon’s characteristic nose. These heroes became tools for politicians from time to time. The cold humorous way has been taken in one stroke. People cannot help but question the fairness of these so-called watchmen. In fact, when the watchmen violently enforce the law, they have no cliché sense of justice, morality, and Tang Seng preaching. Absolute justice or absolute demons are biased to judge them.

Violent and sexual images, cruel and true beauty, like black dahlias, mysterious and bloody, strong visual effects, and the looming public fear of the Watcher, and the Watcher’s confusion and fear of themselves, this is how this has led to this After many setbacks and copyright disputes in the series of comics, "Watchman" was finally unveiled on March 6, 2009.

At the beginning of this year, I watched many bad movies such as "Twilight" and "Chihuahua", which has seriously affected my expectations for the current film industry. So even if I see this long-awaited film has been released, I am not excited to go to the preview, even though this film is now in the eyes of the public with mixed reviews, it is very appetizing to me.

Strictly speaking, this is an anticlimactic work. But the dim tone of the film, the light and shadow processing, I like it very much. And our director Zhang Da's overemphasis on the cold tones directly expresses the emotional contrast of the film, such as the blue and white in the hero.

Zack Snyder, who has directed Audi, Nissan and BMW car advertising directors, has finally made some improvements after accepting the condemned lesson of the thin plot under the epic oil painting style of "Spartan 300". But the plot was scattered after halfway, I don't know whether it is trying to show the original work as fully as possible, or it is the same old problem.

Relying on his best slow motion, the montage at the beginning of the film uses heroes to review part of American history. It can be

said that bright, a good friend said that there are new materials added to the DVD, and it seems to be revisited next

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Watchmen quotes

  • Rorschach: Your turn doctor! Tell me!

    [puts on Rorschach mask]

    Rorschach: What do you see?

  • Sally Jupiter: [Eddie is aggressively coming on to Sally despite her reluctance] I said "no", Eddie.

    Edward Blake: [smiles] "No" spelled Y-E-S.

    Sally Jupiter: "No" spelled N-O. All right?