The force is very very strong with him

Lelia 2022-03-20 09:01:06

The him I am talking about is of course the Jedi master Mr. Kui Gangjin. He has been reincarnated for many lives after the death of another galaxy immortal far away. In one life he was a professor who studied sexual behavior, and he taught a famous apprentice Batman in one life. I became a super invincible lion. Turning to the present, I finally became an ordinary person, a good father, but wait a minute, the ordinary person must add a restriction "looks like" in front of it. Although his hair is getting less and less, his eye sockets are getting deeper and deeper, and his figure is getting clearer and rickety. In essence, he is still a Jedi master. Once the Force is possessed, it seems to be permanently effective. The use of lightsabers is the end, as long as the skill is deep, Feihua, picking leaves, Xiaoqiao and moving are all killing, only better.

"Taken" is a one-man show by Uncle Liam Neeson. This drama is his small universe. Those who follow others prosper, those who block others die. Like all action movies, lonely heroes cannot be beaten to death. The guys he wants to deal with are all buried in the wrong feng shui grave. pity. Therefore, the plot and logic have nothing to say. My Peanut gave a four-character verdict after reading it:

Datoutian Dialect (Jiangsu and Zhejiang dialect). Then I remembered that I had seen Luke Besson's name in the beginning of the film, and I was relieved. Don't get me wrong, I really like Luke Besson's "The Fifth Element", but no one can deny the "Fifth Element" of the "big head", but its setting is science fiction, so "big head" Not a disadvantage.

In fact, "big head talk" can't be regarded as the shortcoming of "Taken", because this action movie under the banner of fatherly love will not be more "big head talk" than other action movies. You saw Liam Neeson perform eighteen martial arts, pass five levels and cut countless sauces. He is agile and light, with clean and simple movements, and endless strategies. Apart from screaming, can he have any other reactions? I have got. My reaction is: I am ashamed of some of my friends, Liam Neeson, who is an idiot. He will give life to that character and give extra points to the play. The good shows are more exciting, and the bad ones have a texture.

The editing is good, the action design is good, not wordy, not fancy.

The old hero Baodao was not old, and sacrificed his marriage and family for the country back then, but after all his martial arts also allowed him to save his daughter's life, so it was not in vain to sell his life. Very ideal. It would be more ideal if he were sent to find bin Laden a few years earlier.

"If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."-Very catchy lines, Uncle Liam said very well. However, I suddenly thought, will his daughter still be able to marry in the future?

PS. The Chinese title was translated into "Hurricane Rescue", but does this play have anything to do with weather phenomena? Not at all. Big head talk.

In real life, Liam's wife Natasha Richardson recently passed away in a ski accident and was taken. May his sorrow and peace.

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Taken quotes

  • Lenore: I don't get you.

    Bryan Mills: What?

    Lenore: You sacrificed our marriage to the service of the country, you've made a mess of your life in the service of your country, can't you sacrifice a little one time for your own daughter?

    Bryan Mills: I would sacrifice anything for her.

  • Kim: You don't have to worry.

    Bryan Mills: That's like telling water not to be wet, sweetie.