When happiness comes knocking on the door, qualities worth learning in the protagonist

Helmer 2022-03-18 09:01:02

When I analyzed the movie on Weibo, some people said that the protagonist was "lucky" because of his mathematical talent.

The protagonist is talented in mathematics, so he can't go to college without a degree?

What kind of luck is this?

Others say that the protagonist is lucky and has a good chance.

The protagonist is lucky, so he takes his son to sleep in the toilet, and has to sell blood if he has no money?

The luck of selling blood to you, do you want?

All the opportunities of the protagonist are not by luck at all, but by his own hard work and persistence.

The story itself is actually very simple. We put aside the bad luck in the protagonist’s marital life, and just look at the turning point of his career. In fact, it’s just a few important things:

1. Want to make a fortune, so he joined to sell medical equipment, but couldn't sell it at all and was deceived;

2. The boss who drives a sports car by chance expresses envy, asks what kind of job he is, and answers securities investment;

3. Rely on this boss to wait at the door of the brokerage every day, hoping that the boss will give him a chance to interview;

4. At last there was an interview, but was detained by the police (because of illegal parking), ran out of the detention center and couldn't change clothes. He went to the interview sloppy and went to the interview. Fortunately, he passed;

5. With a one-month or three-month internship opportunity, no salary, take the exam after the internship period ends, and you can stay as a full-time employee if you pass the exam;

6. During the internship period, I took my children with me, looking for relief, and even selling blood. At the same time, I kept working, reading books, and reviewing exams.

7. At the end of the internship, pass the exam and become a full-time employee.

After that, there is no need to put it again, and the following things will come naturally, and naturally become a millionaire.

What needs to be noted here is that the protagonist is not a bottom of the society from the beginning, but a working class, with a wife, children, and a house, can afford rent, and has work and income.

The problem is that he suddenly used all of his continued joining to invest in medical equipment and tried to sell, but he was unsuccessful. Then he entered the driveway in his life. A series of successive blows led to his bankruptcy, and even the house was driven out and left. street.

Ordinary Americans suddenly went bankrupt, and their lives took a turn for the worse.

Essentially, he is actually a victim of a franchise fraud.

There is a very important premise for him to bottom out:

He was shamelessly pestering the broker's boss, begging for a chance, and finally begged.

This method has no reference.

Because a few years ago, there was a beautiful deaf-mute sister who kept going to WeChat to raise placards to see Zhang Xiaolong, and I haven't seen it for almost a month.

In reality, when you do this kind of thing, only the security and the police can greet you, and it is impossible to give you an interview opportunity.

So the protagonist won't get the key opportunity to break the game at the beginning.

Does that mean we should lie flat, give up, and despair?

that is not.

Because it is very difficult for us to fall into the miserable situation of the protagonist who is personally bankrupt, with a little baby, penniless, and living on the street.

You won't be in this situation at the beginning, and you don't need to use such extreme methods.

The protagonist's most worthy of learning and praise is not persistence, but his emotions and qualities.

Among all the movies, the protagonist Chris is the most aristocratic, and he is the most satisfied with what Confucianism calls “outer saints and inner kings”, and can even be regarded as a model template in Confucianism.

Many people may not really experience the sense of despair at the bottom, or the experience of working hard step by step from the bottom.

This feeling and experience is actually very uncomfortable.

Those who are really experiencing will have very strong hostility and dissatisfaction with the society, with unforgettable hatred.

But you can't see these in Chris.

What you can see is always optimism and positivity.

This is very rare.

The vast majority of those who are struggling can only be forbearing to the greatest extent possible.

That is, he smiled in front of his face, and sold the criticism behind his back.

But Chris has never been concerned, he is optimistic and positive in front of him, and he is still optimistic and positive behind him.

When the lowest is the most desperate, he still encourages his son to guard his dreams.

This kind of calmness is actually hard to see in real strugglers.

Some real fighters are embarrassed, muddy and discouraged everywhere.

The so-called heroic shortness of breath, the shortness of breath here refers to negative emotions.

One’s own negative emotions are sadness, cowardice, complaining, complaining and sighing,

Negative emotions to outsiders are mean, negative, and habitual suppression of denial.

Negative emotions towards society are dissatisfaction, hatred, hostility, and extreme.

Any ordinary person, whether he is struggling or not.

As long as life is average, there must be such emotions.

But throughout the movie, you rarely see the protagonist Chris have such emotions.

He has been depressed and embarrassed, but he has never been hostile or cursed loudly.

Such a character of character is extremely rare.

I don’t know if you have ever read a book called "Camel Xiangzi".

This book is not really about exposing social darkness, although it does write about that particular historical period.

But what it rewrites is how a person's spirit, mental outlook, and state have been destroyed little by little under the impact of multiple adversities, and how they have gradually become corrupt and decadent.

Modern society is certainly not as dark as it was at that time, and the blows and frustrations suffered by people are certainly not so desperate.

But people's changes, mental processes, and state changes under successive blows are actually the same.

Chris, the protagonist, used all his savings to invest in medical equipment, but couldn’t sell it.

The wife quarreled and left,

The house was taken away,

Was detained for parking violations,

I almost couldn't get the internship offer,

Can't get a penny,

I couldn’t find food at the relief station,

After a series of blows, Chris's unlucky degree was about the same as that of Luo Tuo Xiangzi.

And what did Xiangzi finally become from a hard-working guy?

But Chris is still struggling, trying to change himself.

Even the most embarrassed and desperate, he didn't even have time to take a bath, and when he could only wear his pants to save face, he didn't curse the police's injustice and his own bad luck wildly, but stood silently in a slightly embarrassing manner.

When the interviewer was very dissatisfied, he asked how would you feel if someone dressed up for an interview without a shirt.

He can actually respond humorously, then I think that person must be wearing a pair of very formal and nice pants.

Also officially this open-minded and calm, let him win the internship offer

This movie was very well shot. Fortunately, it brought out the embarrassment of most people at the bottom. For example, taxis were nervous to watch the watch, the important products were dragged on the subway and they were caught to death and refused to let go, and the boss was caught. I didn't dare to borrow money, I didn't have a penny in cash on hand, I was homeless, and I didn't have a meal. I didn't dare to go to interviews or receive customers because of my shabby clothes and unconfident appearance.

I have been exposed to all of the above scenes.

But when I deal with these scenes, my performance is not as good as Chris.

I believe that most people will not handle it with Chris.

Chris was desperate, embarrassed, unrestrained, and ugly.

But afterwards, he could forget about it immediately, and he was busy dealing with more important things.

I'm afraid most people can't do this.

It's not bad not to show the faces of people around you, not to curse.

It may be even more difficult to put this matter down and concentrate on work.

Deep in self-pity and self-pity feelings can not come out, and then breed hostility, or worry and low self-esteem, accumulate for a long time, and be overwhelmed by difficulties.

Either the health is affected, or the head is completely flat, and there is no longer any willingness to stand up and get rid of the predicament.

This is what most people look like.

From this point of view, Chris can be regarded as fulfilling the standards of a gentleman emphasizing in Confucianism:

Poor and humble cannot be moved.

No matter how poor and humble, he has not lost his good qualities, he is still that strong, optimistic and positive person.

Still do not give up hope and confidence, always work hard, actively want to get out of trouble, want to change life.

Chris’ lessons, such as improper investment, premature birth, and lack of emphasis on education, etc., I have already written an article to analyze.

But his strengths and beautiful qualities are easily overlooked by many people.

Everyone watching a movie, they only see hard work, cleverness, and luck.

But he doesn't pay attention to his strong self-confidence, optimism and positive attitude towards life, and he is indomitable.

It's really hard for the average person.

Very very difficult.

There is a writer in the United States named Barbara Allenrick. She pioneered a new method of writing, called undercover writing, which allows herself to completely imitate ordinary people of a certain class, experience the difficult life of this kind, and show class The difficulty of the jump.

She has published two books:

"My Life at the Bottom" and "Workplace Drifting of Unemployed White-collar Workers" respectively experienced the life dilemmas of physical odd jobs and white-collar workers in the workplace, and carefully considered the possibility of a leap.

The conclusion of these two books is that it is completely impossible.

Let any person, don't need ordinary people, even people with superb intelligence, in the movie, Chris's plight, basically can not escape the jump.

But Chris did it anyway.

Man can conquer the sky. This victory may not be a victory of intelligence or ability.

It's quality victory, perseverance, and positive and optimistic victory.

After watching this movie, it’s best not to be moved by the miracle performed by Will Smith.

But encountering similar scenes, difficulties, when the interview is tense, the visit to the client is rejected, and the body is tight.

Think more about Will Smith's persistence, ease, confidence, and humor.

These are the most important qualities for success in life.

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Extended Reading

The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."