Raiders of the Lost Ark

Jordy 2022-03-21 09:01:02

During World War II, Hitler called on archaeologists from all over the world to search for the "lost ark"—the holy object in the Bible that led the Hebrews to communicate with God. Hitler wanted to use it to protect the Nazi wars. In order to make Hitler's plan to be shattered, Indiana Jones rushed to Nepal, while struggling to find clues, while also dealing with the pervasive Nazis. With extraordinary wisdom, courage and fearless courage, Jones finally found the sun cane indicating the location of the ark in Rome, and then discovered the ark. Just when it was done, the Nazi army swallowed the fruits of victory and left Jones and others in the snake den! But the invincible Jones always had a way to escape from the dead, and returned the color fiercely!

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Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark quotes

  • [Katanga meets Indy, who is dirty and injured from the truck chase]

    Katanga: Mr. Jones! I've heard a lot about you, sir. Your appearance is exactly the way I imagined.

  • Indiana: [to Satipo's dead body] Adios, Satipo...