How many futures did Marty change?

Mittie 2022-03-21 09:01:02

Before writing this film review, I finished the trilogy again. I have to say that the "Back to the Future" trilogy took five years to create a very wonderful and logical story. For me, there are no loopholes in the story of the trilogy. (If you find loopholes, you can talk about it). In addition, in the story, every time Ma Di faints and wakes up, he is woken up by his mother. It’s really like watching it once and laughing once everybody eats stalks. Well, before analyzing, we must first accept the following settings:

1: There are no loopholes in the trilogy about time travel

2: To accept this point of time travel, you must first accept the setting of the parallel universe

3: There is no 3, and the story begins quickly.

"One" In 1985, the story begins with the protagonist Marty. Marty’s family consists of five people. His father’s boss is Bifu, and there is also a doctor who has passed on to him. One day, the doctor asked Marty to witness his new invention, the time machine. Unexpectedly, Dr. Midway was shot and killed by terrorists, causing Marty to accidentally use the time machine to go to 30 years ago, that is, in 1955, and because of his intervention, his parents failed to hit him as they wished, which led to his disappearance. Back to the present, Marty matched his parents while fixing the machine with the doctor. Finally, on the last night, Marty managed to make his parents fall in love and returned to the present.

After the successful return of "Two", Marty intervened in the death of the doctor in the past, so that the current doctor was prevented and survived. Moreover, his own family and her were greatly changed, and Dad’s boss, Bifu, actually became My little brother, and the doctor discovered that the future Marty family was not happy after going to the future, so now he brought Marty to change the future of the Marty family. Marty’s son was cheated by Biff’s grandson to steal, which caused a chain reaction, leading to a tragic ending for the family. So starting from the key point, Marty pretended to be his son and rejected the request of Little Biff, so the future happened. Change, but in the middle of the process, because Beff saw the process, Beff secretly used the time machine to give the lottery cheats to himself in the past, that is, in 1955. The result of this is that Marty is solving the trouble in the future. Up to now, I found that it has changed again. His father died, his mother remarried, and Bi Fu became the richest man. In order to change the ending, Marty and Dr. returned to 1955 to prevent Bi Fu from getting the lottery cheat sheet. , But Dr. Midway had an accident and was taken by a machine to the western United States in 1885.

"Three" So Marty, who couldn’t go back, could only find the doctor of 1955 who had just sent away the first Marty, and found the time machine left by the doctor of the western United States in 1885 in the tunnel, and learned of the 1885 The doctor will die. After fixing the time machine, Marty went to 1885 and found the doctor. After the doctor returned with the beauties, he traveled back to the present alone, in 1985, when the time was back. What Marty looked like after returning for the first time, that is, the changed look, and the doctor was also reunited, with two sons, and a new time machine. The story is over.

The best-looking of the trilogy is definitely the first one, but for me, the most exciting is the second one, which is connected from the beginning to the end, with meticulous logic, and the plot is really coherent, unlike the work at that time.

To cut into the theme, in fact, since the first time Marty came back from 1955, he has not come to his original universe, his own story line, the story line of Marty’s family is like this, in 1955, his father George Peep fell from the tree and was rescued by her mother Luolian and her father. Out of guilt, Luolian married George. Although George married a beautiful woman, this couldn't change his cowardly character. So in 1985, he was still caught. The person who was bullied by Biffe, and the normal timeline that the doctor was actually killed by terrorists on the night that he crossed, in this timeline, Marty did not give the doctor a note in the past 1955, so the doctor He certainly didn't wear a body armor.

After Marty crossed, the first thing that changed was George’s future. From the time he was hit by a car, he had already intervened in the timeline and created a new branch. George’s change was to hit Bief that night. He became a real man, and 1985, when Marty returned from this timeline, was the second universe. His own first universe had no story after he crossed it.

Then, starting from the second universe, the timeline is like this. After Marty came back, he had a new car, took his girlfriend for a drive, and was provoked on the road. He hit the luxury car and injured his hand. A series of chain reactions in the future led to a very long future. It's miserable, so the doctor couldn't bear to cross until just after Marty came back, he immediately took him to the future and changed the timeline of Sun Tzu, where the second universe began to disappear.

In the future, the old Bifu secretly went to 1955 and changed the Bifu at that time. In theory, it was useless at all. It was the future of Bifu in other universes instead of his own, so Marty solved the future. Back in 1985, the world changed a lot. In fact, this is the third universe, which is the universe in which Beff’s timeline has been changed.

So Marty immediately went with the doctor to 1955. Note that it was 1955 in the Third Universe. In the film, Marty once said that it was enough to prevent the old Biffe from stealing the time machine from the past to the future, but the doctor said it was useless. Now The future to go can only be the future of Bifu, the future of this third universe, they will never go back, so they can only go back to 1955 to change the future, so in 1955 of the third universe, Marty once again talked about it. Fuck, after he burned the lottery cheats, this timeline changed and became the fourth universe. This universe actually overlaps with the second universe again, because the transformation of Marty’s family was caused by George. Bifu, and Bifu's transformation is to get the cheats. Now the cheats are gone, and the benefits make the Marty family earn haha.

In the Fourth Universe, the doctor went to the Fourth Universe in 1885, and Marty also followed the past. In fact, only one future changed here. The female teacher did not fall off the cliff because of the doctor’s intervention, so the name of the bridge became The name Marty used after crossing, but overall it has not changed much, and it did not affect the timeline of Marty’s family. Therefore, the storyline of Marty’s return to 1985 should be like this...

In 1885, a mysterious cowboy solved the villain in the town. Marty’s ancestors were born. In 1955, the doctor’s house was knocked on. A man named Marty claimed to be from the future and asked him to help repair the time machine. In the process, Marty had to correct it because it interfered with the timeline. At the same time, a Marty from the far future also appeared here. His purpose was to prevent Biffe from getting the lottery cheat sheet and secretly help. The first time I crossed over, with the help of the doctor, the first Marty successfully returned to the past, but then the second Marty appeared again. He told the doctor what would happen next, so the doctor could only help him Find the time machine and send him back to the Western World in 1885. After doing all this, the doctor repaired the first letter Marty left to himself, and met Marty in the future, so he finally arrived in 1985. On this day of the year, the doctor was shot and the little Marty crossed, and then the first Marty appeared. The doctor took out his body armor, so the surviving doctor went to the future and found that something was not good, so he could only bring Marty. To change the future, the closed loop was completed on the three timelines of 1985-1955-1885, which is the story of the fourth universe.

The first universe doctor was shot and there was no future. The second universe became the third universe because of Beff’s intervention, and the third universe became the universe we saw in the third ending due to Marty’s intervention. So, Marty has successfully changed the future of his family of five, the doctor’s family, and the Bifu family. Bifu is miserable...

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Back to the Future quotes

  • [Marty enters his house and sees Biff harrassing George]

    Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!

    George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.

    Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?

    George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?

    Biff Tannen: My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?

    [shows his shirt]

    Biff Tannen: I spilled beer all over it when the car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?

  • Sam Baines: Stella! Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car! Come on out here! Help me take him in the house!