I made the youth growth film look like I don’t dare to watch it if I don’t have any IQ

Brandy 2022-03-20 09:01:02

My "Back to the Future Day" has passed and it seems that it has not been fully passed.

In my movie watching career, there have been countless opportunities to intersect with the trilogy of "Back to the Future", but whether it is the tribute in "Top Player" or the discussion in "Avengers 4", there is no real It caught my attention. Instead, it was an interview with shoe designer Tinker Hatfield in an episode of the Netflix documentary "Abstraction: The Art of Design" (how funny, the person with the hat in the name designed the shoes in the end), he mentioned leading the team Turning the "fictional" shoes in the movie into "realistic" content (that most people can't afford to wear), interspersed with a few movie clips, I suddenly realized that I had never watched "Back to the Future"? Shouldn't!

Find resources to check the platform arrangement! But, it was too late, October 21, 2015 has disappeared in my life forever. It was a darker time in my life. I was repeatedly testing on the edge of "depression" because of work reasons. If I had spent this day with countless friends on the earth in a very ritual way, it would belong to my future. There may not be any real changes, but that day will become a light flashing in the repressive clouds, tearing through the heavy negative emotional barrier when remembering, and briefly illuminating me at that time. But everything is just hypothesis. In reality, you and me cannot go back to the past, nor can they go to the future. We are trapped in the present, so we must live in the present.

My knowledge reserve is obviously not qualified to comment on or dialect the scientific theories and academic eggs in the film, so I intend to interpret it from another angle. In my opinion, it is a "sci-fi youth film", and the core is still about growth. Talk about love and life.

Not long ago, I rewatched the first season of "Sex Study Room", and I was still sighing with my friends: I even missed the American youth film in a British school drama. Rather than miss those young boys and girls who dyed their hair and changed their school uniforms in American movies and talked swear words and fights, I would rather admit that I was lamenting that I could empathize with them, understand their troubles, envy their publicity, and yearn for their free youth. Time. Now when I look at school dramas, I put myself in the role of the teacher more. I will judge the protagonist’s words and deeds with scrutiny, sigh, and emotion. I rarely engage and immerse myself. It’s not that I grew up, but that I grew older. Up 55555.

When watching the "Back to the Future" trilogy, I probably also had the same mentality. Between the onlookers between Dr. Martin and Martin, I saw the bear kids and the science madmen working together from a separate perspective. But this time, unexpectedly, there was no discomfort or discomfort from such a perspective. I was a little free to follow the main creator and shuttle through the known but unknown 1985, 2015, 1955 and 1885. As the author of a certain film critic mentioned, the reason why this series of films can sit on the throne of "time and space" theme for a long time, in addition to the technical basis, is because it is "normal enough" and there is no Star Wars. There is no sci-fi storm, it just uses a "time machine" to connect a family in different eras, focusing on the human relationship and sophistication. The brain vision for the future is technology, and the different perspectives of the same event are forms. People are always alive, mothers who are boldly chasing love, fathers who bravely explode, doctors who are crazy for their beloved (science career and Clara), And, Martin, who has gradually grown and changed in different time and space, has changed from being flammable and explosive to admitting that he is not enough to avoid the front. His changes may seem to outsiders only as the alternation of rising and falling, but we know that this is 100 Years of time scoured, smoothed the edges and corners and tempered the bones and muscles. Of course, the film itself does not have such a strong preaching meaning, whether it is the doctor’s phrase "weak water three thousand, only take a scoop" that has repeatedly memorized by thousands of fans, or the central idea of ​​"my life is up to me" , Are all diluted by compact plots and repetitive laughter. This is not a heroism that focuses on one person, but a long stream of romantic thoughts: there is no absolute in the world, and any of our words and deeds may change the future, so don’t be too persistent or Indulge in regret, "You can't stay the day yesterday, and worry less about the day today" (I changed a word). Filled in the bold framework is the daily life that can be seen everywhere, parent-child relationship, teacher-student conflicts, classmate competition, male and female reactions, we have all experienced, we are inevitably touched. Just like the global explosion of "Squid Game", it's not that the quality is really superb, but the scene has a low emotional threshold and a strong impression. You cannot use today's technical standards to examine "Back to the Future", but even if you use today's eyes to appreciate "Back to the Future", it is still a masterpiece that has benefited a lot.

I call it a youth film, a "other people's home" that makes people feel and envy. It is also a "youth campus" proposition composition. Needless to say, the United States has excellent movies and dramas, and the perspective is not tricky and close to the people (but it is getting more and more retrogressive); the United Kingdom has the "Sex Study Room" I mentioned earlier, the topic is bold Footnotes and warmth, their similar dramas always carry the meaning of subversion and exploration; even Norway has the world-famous "SKAM", the youth education film has been filmed into a classic, and the form of broadcasting and promotion is also very clever. And what about our country? After strayed into the cruel youth astray of "lost love, fights, duo fetus" on the first generation campus, he gradually got on the right track and handed over "The Best of Us" and "I Don't Want to Be Friends with You" (except at the end). His laughter and tears fly together to play a good show. However, with the restrictions of policies and creation, the performance of idols across the industry collapsed, and the campus drama has also fallen into a nightmare of self-repetition and falling fault. It has been a long, long time since I have seen the bright campus theme.

How hopeful that the behind-the-scenes team in our country also has the courage, patience and professionalism of "Back to the Future" as the main creator. We do not lack funds and technology. We only lack good stories and good actors, but these are problems that can be solved with time and heart. It is not a hindrance.

When will we not cherish the memory of the past nor yearn for the future? Probably it is the time when it is worthwhile (or it may be the time when you are convinced that there is really no "time machine" in the world).

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Extended Reading

Back to the Future quotes

  • [Marty enters his house and sees Biff harrassing George]

    Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!

    George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.

    Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?

    George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?

    Biff Tannen: My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?

    [shows his shirt]

    Biff Tannen: I spilled beer all over it when the car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?

  • Sam Baines: Stella! Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car! Come on out here! Help me take him in the house!