Evan is not a qualified liar

Dave 2022-03-19 09:01:02

Evan is too conscientious about the people around him.

The mistress was threatened by the FBI, and he was forced to deceive the parliamentarians in order to save the mistress. As a result, the mistress and the agent scowled, annoying him. The agent ignored his reminders and committed dangers again and again, waiting for him to wipe his butt.

To his wife. He raises her and takes care of her. Only kind people will be judged by others. Evan is a liar. For him, wanting to get a divorce can be done in a few minutes. His wife's nonsense made him almost killed, and he just went home to lose his temper. His wife was about to divorce because of an affair, and he agreed.

His friend of the mayor, a mayor who serves the people wholeheartedly. They are good friends. The mayor gave him a cooking machine, and Evan finally designed the mayor to be commuted.

He is also a good father who loves his son completely.

I really worry about it. It is his conscience, his love for his son, his responsibility to his wife, his feelings for his mistress, and his kindness to his "friends". He was trapped all the way, dragged back.

He is destined not to be a big liar.

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American Hustle quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Irving Rosenfeld: Did you ever have to find a way to survive and you knew your choices were bad, *but* you had to survive?

  • Sydney Prosser: You're nothing to me until you're everything.