My feelings on this film

Tre 2022-03-20 09:01:02

The movie "Jaws" was produced in 1975. It was a commercial disaster thriller that shocked all the audience with amazing special effects at that time. The shark left an indelible impression on people. It once made many holiday beaches in the United States cold and clean. People were scared by the great white shark, and the shock effect was particularly good. The story is very simple. A rare great white shark came to the bay of the holiday beach to eat people. A beautiful woman and a little boy had died for this. The government refused to close the bathing beach for the precious tourism income of the town in one year, and asked the sheriff to shut up and hide the truth without conscience. People still played in the sea without knowing that the danger was nearby, Sergeant Brown is upset about this, but there is nothing he can do about it.This just reflects the greed of the government and human nature. Greedy brothers are selfish and indifferent. In the face of money and interests, no one will care about you, and the people who care about you may not be able to protect you. Although helpless, American citizens love and hate each other. In the film, the wife who lost her son slapped Sergeant brown in the face, which proves that, alas, you can be greedy and selfish, but you can't be dishonest. Kunt is an expert at catching fish in a small town. He is arrogant and arrogant. I think he must really have fear and regret, but arrogance and ignorance are enough to kill him. In fact, there is no panoramic shot of the great white shark in the whole movie. The director only creates a dignified and tense atmosphere through the deterrent shark dorsal fin and the sudden attack rhythm,so that the movie always maintains a high degree of suspense and excitement. Monster cannot run wild, it must die, this is the voice of the people, this is the need of society, Sergeant Brown finally fortunately hit the oxygen tank, the huge explosion tore the shark to pieces, the shark died, the people were saved. I'm not very satisfied with the ending. I feel it's a little hasty

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Jaws quotes

  • Artist: Sh-Shark! The shark! He's going into the pond! The shark's in the estuary!

    Brody: Now what?

    Ellen Brody: Michael's in the pond!

    Artist: In the estuary! The shark's in the pond! He's going in the pond! Somebody do something! In the pond! In the pond! Shark! In the pond!

  • Brody: Got a pen, Larry?

    Mayor Vaughn: Pen?

    Brody: [reaching into Vaughn's jacket] Yeah a PEN, you know...