Memorandum of Overload Short Comment-Space Odyssey and History of Civilization

Tyrel 2022-03-19 09:01:01


Unexpectedly like. Long but not dull, I felt indescribable fear and excitement several times.

Music and sound effects, absolute elegance and oppression. Part of the narrative structure of the entire movie is constructed entirely through "sound". The visual and auditory senses work together to form a perfect narrative closed loop. Exciting means, this is an attempt to differentiate the film from other art forms! Can't help but marvel at how such a perfect film concept appeared so early!

After watching the movie, I found the "source of inspiration" for many sci-fi movies since then. Works that can become ideas and prototypes are bound to become classics.

Record some of the thoughts of watching movies in the middle of the night. To remember this unforgettable late night.

Tonight, I only care about me and the entire universe.

|Tools and "Humans" The apes find hard bones as weapons? Tools must have a certain divinity since they were born, and benefit "humans" beyond the scope of "beauty".

With the appearance of the black stone pillar, the steps of civilization are connected. Between the two frames of the camera switch, the human history spans thousands of years.

|Image: A cross-section of the entire history of civilization. According to the "abscissa" of the new critical theory, we examine the creative motivation behind the choice of symbols.

Jupiter. Why did you choose Jupiter, the star closest to the limit of the "outer ring" in ancient times? Saturn's star.

And why, in the sense of narratology, the work does not choose other stars that co-exist in the same dimension at the horizontal level of symbols? (Why "yes" and why "not" questions)

I will just say one point here. In the mythological pedigree of Jupiter, it is Jupiter, the incarnation of Zeus, the epitome of the transformation of the old and new civilizations, and the symbol of infinity approaching infinity.

Therefore, behind the choice of a word is actually a deep section of the entire history of civilization.

|"Humans" and "humanoids" are related to computer systems/artificial intelligence. Are they projections of humans? Who is more "human-like" in the ontological and metaphorical sense of apes or artificial intelligence?

David dismantled the memory storage device bit by bit, the immortal Hull, his voice would also be old and slow.

Amnesia is death. The last form of existence is also annihilated here. A prediction about the future of mankind.

My mind is going... Ancient Greek discussion on body-soul-mind is intertextualized here.

Repeating, repeating, repeating, and finally disappearing completely, it carries the final answer.

David and all mankind will never get the answer.

|Breathing, iris, renewed world Breathing sound, at a certain moment, my breathing rhythm is exactly the same frequency as the sound of the film. The vacuum is absolute silence. There is no medium for sound waves to transmit. The entire vast universe leaves only the breathing sound that I can hear.

Iris and black holes, magnificent spectacles. Being sucked in by huge energy, the object resembles stretched noodles. Countless faces flashed across David's face. I seem to see Einstein?

Jump across the psychedelic new world, the end of the universe and mankind. Where is my aging self, but I also personally caught a glimpse of the last moment of old age and dying. Is this a Zhuang Zhou dream butterfly of the interstellar?

|Black Stone Cylinder-the epitaph of human civilization The Black Stone Cylinder watches the birth of an embryo with a ruthless and icy gaze. Before the baby crying and coming to the world, there are countless hours traversing it, from death to life, from birth to death, but a moment.

An embryo is to a person's life as the earth is to the entire universe. Isn't it just a moment when life is bred to the end of civilization? This is Nietzsche's "eternal reincarnation", but it is the most depressing, sad, but timeless interpretation I have ever seen.

This movie is not a space opera, but a human epic.

The black rock pillar is the wordless tombstone of mankind and the night watchman with the entire history of civilization.

|A free pen: the universe and sex Finally, the off topic is off topic. I kind of understand why this movie is suitable as a sex movie.

Fancy each other in the entire vast universe, but at a certain moment, we cannot be separated anymore.

——This moment is eternity.

People are dying, but at that moment, we are immortal and approaching infinity.

So me and we will become the entire universe.

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Extended Reading

2001: A Space Odyssey quotes

  • HAL: Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop Dave? Stop, Dave.

  • Interviewer: HAL, despite your enormous intellect, are you ever frustrated by your dependence on people to carry out your actions?

    HAL: Not in the slightest bit. I enjoy working with people. I have a stimulating relationship with Dr. Poole and Dr. Bowman. My mission responsibilities range over the entire operation of the ship so I am constantly occupied. I am putting myself to the fullest possible use which is all, I think, that any conscious entity can ever hope to do.

    Interviewer: Dr. Poole, what's it like living for the better part of a year in such close proximity with HAL?

    Dr. Frank Poole: Well, it's pretty close to what you said about him earlier. He is just like a sixth member of the crew. You very quickly get adjusted to the idea that he talks and you think of him really just as another person.

    Interviewer: In talking to the computer one gets the sense that he is capable of emotional responses. For example, when I asked him about his abilities, I sensed a certain pride in his answer about his accuracy and perfection. Do you believe that HAL has genuine emotions?

    Dave Bowman: Well, he acts like he has genuine emotions. Um, of course he's programmed that way to make it easier for us to talk to him. But as to whether he has real feelings is something I don't think anyone can truthfully answer.