Battle of the Holy Grail

Skyla 2022-03-20 09:01:02

The Holy Grail in the movie is so magical. What is the Holy Grail and what kind of history does it have? First of all, the Holy Grail is said to be the cup used by Jesus at his Last Supper. Later, when he was nailed to the cross, this cup was used to catch the blood that shed from him, thus giving the Holy Grail a sacred meaning. In the story of King Arthur, it was his three knights who finally found the Holy Grail. Among them, only the purest Galahad knight could hold the Holy Grail, and finally he ascended to heaven under the blessing of angels. The origin, existence and whereabouts of the Holy Grail are unknown mysteries in history. But what is certain is that when the Holy See first gave the Holy Grail its sacred meaning, it was intended to restrain the secular nobles, especially the knights and others at that time. These Christians should all pay for a certain "righteousness" and should fight to defend their faith and religion. There are also people in later generations who seek to find the Holy Grail, either to gain divine power, or to prove their "purity" and God's approval. If this is the case, it is not difficult to understand why there is such a saying that Hitler is looking for the Holy Grail.

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Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark quotes

  • [Katanga meets Indy, who is dirty and injured from the truck chase]

    Katanga: Mr. Jones! I've heard a lot about you, sir. Your appearance is exactly the way I imagined.

  • Indiana: [to Satipo's dead body] Adios, Satipo...