"When Happiness is Knocking at the Door": New Year's Workplace Survival Handbook

Salma 2022-03-17 09:01:02

Time: the beginning of the year.
Content: job hunting, survival
process: hardship
ending: beautiful
So many similar factors make me feel familiar when watching Will Smith’s popular new film "When Happiness Knocks on the Door", right? , Is the workplace inspirational film "Fashion Devil" around the same time last year.
"When Happiness Knocks on the Door" is just as imagined, as an inspirational film, a bit bitter and a bit gratifying. When some people are indulging in feasting and having fun in time, fortunately, there are others who pay attention to this group.
Someone once pointed out that the theory of success is one of the three major cancers of this century. As long as one person succeeds, it will cause 10 times more people to give up the struggle. This year's hit "Struggle" also implies that in a society that still believes in "suffering while suffering", you must first pay for success.
Often successful people have many similarities. In addition to the well-known essential qualities, watch the new film "When Happiness Comes Knock at the Door" and review the old film "Fashionable Devil", two job hunters with different genders, different eras, and different positions. But people inadvertently shared the enduring workplace rules.

Good background The background
here is not conditioned, such as family background, but based on personal foundation. A person’s performance at each stage is a manifestation of his overall quality. Don’t say that the past is indifferent. Don’t say that you have to focus on the future. If you don’t have a solid resume, who can prove that you are competent for the position in front of you? These, for graduates, are the truth.
Profile: Chris Bone Density Scanner salesman, high school diploma, and participating in naval service.
Comment: He is not well-educated, but he still has capital. When asked about high school and college, he can confidently tell the interviewer: Whether in a small town high school with a class of 12 people or a radar class with 20 people in service, his The results are always the first place.
Profile: Andrea, new assistant to the editor-in-chief of "RUNWAY", graduated from Northwestern University, and served as the editor-in-chief of the school magazine during the university period. As a university journalist, he won the national competition.
Comment: Although the boss Miranda showed complete disdain when describing these, it does not mean that these qualifications can be ignored, at least it is the source of Andrea's confidence.

Honest interview with neither humble nor arrogant
Every job seeker will unconsciously read some books about interview techniques. There are everything on this book. It just so happens that both films have paragraphs about interviews, but they are so similar.

Replay of "When Happiness Knocks on the Door": Before he had time to change his clothes covered in paint, Chris sat in the huge conference room and talked, "I want to make up a story to prove that I have the qualities you expect , Such as honesty, diligence, teamwork, etc., but I couldn’t think of anything. In fact, I was arrested for failing to pay the parking fine.”
Comment: It’s far more powerful than making up a story about the sky, at least. sincerely.

"Fashionable Devil" paragraph playback: Facing the devil's disdain, Andrea calmly told her "I am not charming, not slim, and not suitable for this place, but I am very smart and learn fast." At the end, I did not forget to add a sentence," Thank you for your time.” Because of these words, the devil raised her head and reconsidered the newly graduated girl, and made a decision.
Comment: It doesn't matter to be underestimated, always maintain dignity, neither humble nor overbearing.

There is an idol-level character as motivation.
Sometimes you will unconsciously imitate a person's walking posture, speech tone, words and deeds, even though you may not realize that he is already your idol. But when you ask yourself, you have to admit that he has a high status in your heart, and everything you do is just to be like him or even better than him. At this time, he has become a powerful driving force for your struggle.

Profile: Jay Witte Securities Broker Chris's referral to Witte Securities
This person appeared when Chris was exhausted carrying a 40-pound medical instrument. When he walked out of the car door in a suit and leather shoes, Chris stepped forward and asked: What do you do? how did you do it? He answered him seriously. From this moment on, Jay became the motivation of Chris invisibly. During the whole process of looking for opportunities to promote himself to Jay, submit a resume, participate in an interview, and become an intern, Chris and Jay had more contacts and exchanges. Becoming a securities broker like Jay is even better than him" is a potential motivation for Chris.

Profile: Miranda "RUNWAY" Editor-in-Chief Andrea's boss.
She is Andrea's boss, and she affirmed Andrea as her new assistant. Weird, cold, picky, majestic... But still a successful person, Miranda more or less turned into a certain motivation for Andrea. Wearing brand-name clothing and learning to dress up glamorously, she inadvertently satisfies Andrea, who has always believed in simplicity, and allows her to continue to perform well in the job she doesn't like.

The spiritual pillar is very important.
People in this world have never worked alone, cooperated with others, communicated with others, encouraged and supported each other. Sometimes it is a kind of motivation, sometimes it is a kind of support.

Chris's spiritual support: son, Jefferson
son: This child who lost his mother and followed his father on the streets to sell scanners, and moved from home to relief station to another relief station, of course, cannot give his father any substantial help. However, as long as he can hear his father's voice, he can completely trust his father. The child who can tell a joke when his father frowns makes his father happy is Chris' strong spiritual support for practicing his "will get better". Every conversation between father and son is Chris's spiritual hint to himself. He said to his son, "Don't let people say you can't do it, even if it's me", "You have to protect it if you have a dream", which is actually encouraging himself.
Jefferson: Both times I mentioned him when Chris was in trouble. The American pioneers' remarks about happiness always gave Chris a reason to go, because they all knew that happiness would knock on the door, and life would be liberated.

Andrea’s spiritual pillar: colleague Na Qiu
Naqiu: "What do you want me to say?'Oh poor man'? No, keep it for yourself. Wake up from a dream." Everyone can see that Naqiu is good to Andrea, but this Kindness is not a matter of reason or gentle comfort in the general sense, but severe accusations and pertinent advice are extremely precious to Andrea, a newcomer in the workplace. He not only created a new strong woman in the fashion industry, but also served as Andrea's spiritual mentor and became Andrea's noble person.

Losing a lover's
perfection is a realm. No one can easily reach perfection. Even if an outsider sees perfection, he still has many shortcomings in his own eyes. It is not easy to get everything done. When family, love and career conflict, how do you choose? Both people in the film lost that love.
If you can change, then it is best; if you cannot change, then please accept the reality.

Wife: "From a salesman to an intern is a step backwards." "You want to be a securities broker? How about being an astronaut!" Without a job, you can't pay the rent. When a man falls down, even if he fell in love with each other His wife will also leave him. We can say that she is reluctant, we can also say that she is not short-sighted, or that she is very realistic, at least for Chris, the loss of her lover at this time is really a severe blow. People will lose a lot in struggle, and losing the one you love is enough to be a fatal injury.

Boyfriend: This is an old and difficult problem that women in the workplace often do not handle well. They are too busy at work and neglect the relationship with the people around them, especially their boyfriends, leading to a breakup over time. Do you have to sacrifice your feelings if you want to succeed? In fact, in "Fashion Devil", it is not only Andrea who lost her lover, but also Miranda. She was divorced, and the devil suddenly became pale and hurt, her eyes full of tears and guilt for the child.

There are many workplace rules revealed in the film, such as enduring ridicule, the strange look of people around Chris when he was hit by a car and missing a shoe, and Andrea, who was in a loose sweater, square toe and flat shoes, was looked up and down by the devil. From one world to another, when life is different from the original, you have to be prepared to accept ridicule; for example, to create opportunities, who said Chris and Jay are on the same road? He also vowed to flatten the fare; not only for manufacturing, but also to seize the opportunity, otherwise, how could the opportunity to go to French Fashion Week fall to the newcomers? Another example is making a choice. What do you do when you have a promising internship without a salary and even the most basic life cannot be guaranteed? How do you choose when your job is on track but you lose yourself? If you are embarrassed, Chris and Andrea are not easy either.
Job-hunting inspirational films are all chosen to be released at the beginning of the year. Whether it is a coincidence or deliberately does not matter, it is not unreasonable to give a head for the New Year. The workplace is like the rhythm of the two films, everything is in high speed

. The moment Chris received the job, the eyes were about to gush out torrential tears. Andrea put on her casual and somewhat sloppy clothes again, in an ordinary newspaper. Get a new job with peace of mind. When they all have a satisfactory ending, the new year will also pray for everyone in the workplace.

View more about The Pursuit of Happyness reviews

Extended Reading

The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."