
Alvena 2022-03-19 09:01:02

To be honest, I don’t think that kind of direction is evolution, I prefer to reorganize or return to ancestors

In fact, if I were to choose, I would definitely choose Professor x, who is wise, sincere and strong. I just don’t like to show the limelight. It’s perfect. What I am wondering is why the devil girl cares so much about her appearance not being recognized, and always wants to seduce a few outstanding men to prove her charm. Doesn't the United States emphasize individuality? Why is it that I have a personality, it’s squeaky and crooked, it can be seen that people are the same, and the need for identification is also just as fragile. All philosophies and slogans are used to fool people. I still like China’s seeking common ground while reserving differences. I really like Chinese people too much. , I’m curious to see what I’m going to do. Next, I’m going to live the way I live. The last thing I think about is living well. I am good at simplification of complex things and get to the point. Foreigners like to take the horns a lot. They can't find the answer when they think about it. They are thinking painfully every day. They are good at complicating simple things. They love expressing themselves too much.

However, the development process of human civilization is destined to always be fearful and lonely, and always feel our own fragility. I don’t remember where I saw a movie that said that humans have evolved their bodies to be extremely fragile and their brains are developed because we are a kind of food cultivated by higher organisms. These aliens continue to nurture our brains in order to make us more delicious. Then when we develop better and better, eating our brains is like eating jelly. You see human beings are always so scared because they are deeply aware of their differences and fragility, and even imagine that they are just a low-level feed. After all, according to natural evolution, we should have a stronger physique. What strengthens is the body, such as insects whose bones protect internal organs. For example, other creatures will walk when they are born, and human cubs have no ability to cry. Their evolutionary direction is different. Compared with other creatures on the earth, they are so lonely and arrogant, always eager to have aliens to communicate, but they are terrifying to the unknown. There are so many movies that can be made.

I believe that the development of the story must be an exploration of human nature. Human beings do not need to explore the universe to explore their own brains. It is really a magical and fragile creature. I remember a story in Wesley where an alien simulated an ant's manor for a professor with a high IQ, and the professor understood his nihility and committed suicide. At that time, I was really inexplicable. People seemed to have to prove something to feel alive. Unlike ants who are busy looking for food every day and bees forever collecting nectar, they are alive themselves, but people always want to prove that they are different and cannot simply live. Just to live, you have to create something to prove that you are alive, and then to pursue the meaning of life. When I was young, I was also struggling with these things, just like considering whether it was Shanghai Tsinghua University or Peking University. In the end, I decided to like Zhejiang University. Now I still feel that China is old. The ancestor’s thoughts are meaningful. You can understand when you walk. Just let yourself be happy. You can live as you think you want. It’s just a choice.

I saw an animation saying that humans will eventually evolve into a bunch of brain waves. I thought that it made sense. It was pure energy, and the restraints were small. Then I thought about it again, isn't it dead? It seems that people should first invent and store their brain waves. What if they are directly strangled or eliminated by other energy? Where else have the ghosts gone? So is the body a burden or a protection?

It’s really boring and interesting to watch people in this way, and movies are like building blocks in the hands of children, I don’t know what kind of house they can build.

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X-Men quotes

  • Storm: Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?... The same thing that happens to everything else.

    [blasts Toad]

  • [trapped inside the Statue of Liberty]

    Cyclops: Storm, fry him!

    Magneto: Oh yes! A bolt of lightning into a huge copper conductor. I thought you lived at a school?