Great breakup

Aaliyah 2022-03-16 09:01:01

"Casablanca" has been watched a long time ago, and the last part where Rick sent Ilsa away is still shining in retrospect. But the background of the war has been neglected. What I remember is the look in the eyes of Frehenley-Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, one warm and calm, one gentle and free, which also makes this film known as anti-war. It's more like a purely romantic movie.

"And we had that beautiful time in Paris. We lost it there, but found it back in Casablanca." This is the most impressive line in the film. There were tears in Ilsa’s eyes, and she was reluctant to leave... But in Rick’s tone and gesture, we saw a kind of selfless passion and determination. In fact, everyone knew how painful his heart was. But "completion" and "memories" are his most beautiful and most melancholic interpretations

of love ... Then what is true love? People who have watched a Hong Kong comedy called "Zhong Wuyan" a few years ago , I believe that, like me, I have been amused by the line inside---the vixen said: "Love is unconditional sacrifice for the sweetheart. Sacrifice, and only want her to be happy!" And Zhong Wuyan, who has been deceived Retorted: "Wrong! Love is occupying, destroying, and destroying. In order to get the other party by any means, he will not hesitate to make the other party sad, if necessary, shoot twice, and the jade will be burned!" In fact, this sentence is very nonsensical, and it is also very funny. On the contrary, it is very serious. Because love is sometimes great, but sometimes it is really selfish. Compared with , love in reality is often full of too many personal desires and all kinds of things. Impurities.

Of course, as far as real individuals are concerned, there is no right or wrong of love. It is dogmatic to rashly define an almighty for them. But I believe that love has levels, and it is precisely because of this that we are I will be moved by Rick’s last choice, so loving someone can still selflessly fulfill her and another man. It reminds me of Pushkin’s poem-"I used to be so sincere. Loved so tenderly." You, but the original God bless you, another person will love you like me".

This may not be an ideal love, but it represents the most idealistic feelings of love.

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Extended Reading

Casablanca quotes

  • Ilsa: Who is Rick?

    Captain Renault: Mamoiselle, you are in Rick's! And Rick is...

    Ilsa: Who is he?

    Captain Renault: Well, Rick is the kind of man that... well, if I were a woman, and I were not around, I should be in love with Rick. But what a fool I am talking to a beautiful woman about another man.

  • Ilsa: Thank you for the coffee, monsieur. I shall miss that when I leave Casablanca.

    Senor Ferrari: It was gracious of you to share it with me.