A dry soul

Beau 2022-03-15 09:01:01

A withered soul-about "The Blood Is Coming" Or, watching "The Blood Is Coming" really requires certain hardware facilities, such as soaking yourself in a bathtub, it is best to add some ice cubes in the water, only this way, Our flesh and blood will not be swallowed by the deserted land, the sticky oil and the hollow and dry eyes of Daniel Plavin in the film. "Blood is Coming" is a 2007 movie, and there is another masterpiece in the same year, which is "Old Nowhere" by the Coen Brothers, in which there is a chilling guy named Anton Ziegel (Javier. Baden), some people say that Ziegel is the incarnation of the devil. That's right. But I was thinking, what would happen if Ziegel met Plavin? What will be the result? Perhaps Oscar has given us the answer-in the overwhelming shadow of Daniel Plavin, Anton Ziegel can only be the best supporting role. Yes, Ziegel is the spokesperson of the devil, and Plavin is the devil himself. At least until now, if the number one devil on the screen is selected, I will vote for Daniel Pleven without hesitation. This is a guy who has no emotions, no faith, and no mercy. Extracting oil is really a business bestowed on him by God. In that lifeless world, he is comfortable and well-suited for it. In this business, he not only fully demonstrated his evil, but also satisfies all his desires-but not including sexual desire, because Plavin does not need women, relatives and friends, these are all he wants to destroy thing. So his final ending can only be to die alone in a certain big house. This makes people think of the ending of Charles Foster Kane ("Citizen Kane"), but Kane will never forget his "Rosebud" until his death, and Plavin has nothing to miss. He likes this, he must be like this, only because he is Daniel. Pleven. Plavin is easy to be seen as someone who is lost in money, which is really high on him. Because anyone who is lost in money will have his own moral bottom line, and in Pleven’s dictionary, the word “bottom line” never exists. If he is really lost or perished because of the money, everyone around him and the audience of this movie should be grateful for it, but one person will definitely not agree, this person is a plaintext person. He will not hurt you for anything or anything, because he was born to do this, and "harm" is the only way for him to get pleasure. As we have seen, the pleasure he derives from wealth is far less than the pleasure he obtains when he insults his son, laughs at the priest, and kills the "brother". These are the three closest to him and were hurt by him. Of the three deepest people, two of them were brutally killed by him. Plavin's attitude towards these three people represented his lack of family affection, compassion, and spiritual beliefs. Several scenes between Plavin and the young priest Eli Sandy are the most important parts of the film. Because of the intelligence of Paul Paul, the twin brother of Eli, Plavin brought his "son" and "partner" HW to Sandy Farm to "quail hunting". At the dinner table at home, Plavin, citing his son's frailty, hoped that Old Sandy would sell him the farm in order to give him more "fresh air". Compared to this barren land with weeds and no crops, he offered a very high price ($3,700 at the time was a lot of money). But Plavin's true purpose was immediately seen by Eli-"You are here for oil." So the price soared to 10,000 U.S. dollars, and an extra 5,000 U.S. dollars "charity" was donated to the church that Eli presided over. Plavin had no way to go and had to agree. The first round of the confrontation ended with Eli's complete victory. But what Eli didn't know was that what he offended was a real devil, and the curse had already been planted. Sure enough, the day before Pleven held a drilling ceremony for the oil well, Eli came to visit, hoping that Pleven could introduce himself to the residents and workers during the ceremony. Pleven readily agreed to his request. . The next day, after a generous statement, let HW Starting the drilling rig, he simply ignored Eli, who was standing in front of a crowd full of expectations, as if he had forgotten the promise of the previous day. This is a typical Plavin's way of doing things-since I control the right to speak, other people's requests are like barking dogs, which is not worth mentioning. There was a tie in the first two rounds, and it seemed that the two were in between. But for Eli, this was just the beginning. Plavin's oil wells are making money every day, but he just didn't honor the five thousand dollars of "charity money" he had promised when he bought the farm. On the day that HW was deaf due to an oil well eruption, Eli approached the door to ask for money. Plavin, who was holding his head on fire, found the target. He had a big mouth without saying anything. Lay was dragged into the rotten oil and beaten up. Not only was there a big gap between the rich and the poor, they were also not at the same level in terms of physical strength. But this kind of pebble-to-stone game can also lead to strange scenes. When Plavin had to buy the land of an old farmer for the oil pipeline, the conditions put forward by this devout old farmer turned out to be: You must join the Church of the Third Revelation (Churchofthe Third Revelation) and receive the baptism of "Holy Blood". Then we can talk about the land. In desperation, Plavin could only do so. And it was Eli who baptized Pleven. But after seeing him impassioned, he ordered Plavin to kneel on the ground and let him repeatedly yell: "I am a sinner, I abandon my child!" Then he returned all the slaps he had suffered last time. Of course, this is based on the reason of "driving out the devil from sinners". On the face of it, it was Plavin who was humiliated this time, but the latter didn't seem to care, because he achieved his goal and got what he wanted, no matter what method he used. Next, we saw that when the pipeline finally reached the coast, all those who were against Plavin, including Eli, had to wait to die. In fact, as a pastor, Eli is by no means a good person. He uses his identity to deceive believers, not only to gain economic benefits, but also to gain real power. Eli, who opened his mouth, "Bible" and shut up Jesus, does not represent the good side of the Christian faith, so he is nothing in the eyes of Plavin, even inferior to the ant. Because Plavin had never believed in, or that he believed in only one "religion", but that must be named after Daniel Plavin. The film is based on Plavin VS Eli. Sandy made the knot. Although "VS" is used here, in fact, there is no "VS" at all, because the outcome is determined without having to fight against each other. Before the Great Depression (1927), the rich and lonely Plevin lived in a mansion, living on alcohol and an old male servant. On this day, in order to make up for the huge shortfall, the bankrupt Eli broke into the house of "in-law" (his sister gave HW to HW), saying that he wanted to sell a piece of "oil-producing land" to Pleven. In the face of the lamb who was sent to the door, how could Plavin let go of such an opportunity, but before destroying Eli's body, he had to destroy him spiritually-this was equivalent to killing Eli twice. He immediately agreed to Eli's request, but the latter had to shout "I am a fake prophet, God is a product of superstition!" So we saw that Eli hardly hesitated and began to blaspheme his beliefs. Then, after Eli blasphemed his faith N times, Pleven told the truth: He had already emptied the oil under that land. Eli, who had collapsed, begged for Plavin’s alms in the most down-to-earth way, but Plavin, who had completely defeated Eli mentally, did not give it up. At this moment, the enthusiastic he had already Having ascended to the highest level of the devil, he picked up a bowling pin and killed Eli. Generally speaking, faith is divided into ethnic groups and has national boundaries. Non-immersed "outsiders" may not be able to appreciate the impact of Eli's naked and blasphemy faith. But the relationship between Plavin and his "son" HW is enough to be sent to any corner of the earth as a leaflet for his evil deeds. As we have seen, from beginning to end, the conversation between "father and son" has only one theme, and that is oil. HW was artificially deprived of his childhood. Since he was still in his infancy, he followed Plavin and lived by the oil well. It can be seen that this is a child with a gentle personality, and it is hard to imagine how he survived such hellish days. HW was deaf because of a blowout (God knows why a child appeared on the drill floor!), but this is not all bad, because the disability gave him the opportunity to be educated. At the end of the film, only one scene was used to explain the process of HW and Plavin after they were grown-ups. When the "son" asked to leave him and fly solo, Plavin finally told the truth and issued a vicious curse. "You were picked up by me, not as good as a dingo. I brought you just to make people believe that I am a person with a family, so that I can go smoothly in the acquisition of land." Whether Wen has been married or has a woman. HW The first time I appeared next to the drill stand, in the arms of a worker who worked for Plavin, then the worker died in an accident, and the next shot was Plavin holding him. Is the worker who died in the well the father of HW? These are mysteries. In the film, Plavin used the word "family" many times and called his son "Partner", which caused many viewers to think that he was just a person lost in money. In fact, he is a bastard, a demon through and through. Unless HW has the same iron heart as him, otherwise those vicious curses will surely become reality. There is also the "brother" who doesn't know where he is from. Although he is a fake brother and coaxed Plavin, he is a desperate person. What Wen gets here, even if he sees through him, he will at most rush away. This is human nature, because he didn't hurt himself. But after learning the truth, Plavin's method was to shoot the "brother" in the head, then dig a hole and bury it. It can be seen that human nature, sympathy, and pity, just like the "bottom line" mentioned at the beginning, these words are not in the Pleasant dictionary. What makes the Pleven or Pleven figure so prosperous and unimpeded? If Plavin’s evil stems from his nature, then the environment and society in which this human evil can be carried forward unimpeded are only his environment and society. In other words, what is more terrifying than the wicked is the social environment where the wicked fits their needs. When this character is presented on the big screen in the form of a movie, it requires two diametrically opposite backgrounds that are equally suitable for the survival of the wicked: one is the background of the story, that is, the United States in the first 30 years of the twentieth century; the other is contemporary relative The tolerant social environment allows the audience to have the mood to watch such a movie that exudes desperate emotions with appreciative eyes. This film is adapted from Upton Sinclair's novel "Petroleum". Sinclair was an American writer in the early part of the last century. He was famous for writing shady novels (called muckraker in English, now called "poop literature" on the Internet). The most famous one is The Slaughterhouse, which exposes the mess and mess of American meat processing companies. It became a sensation after its publication and indirectly contributed to the establishment of the American food sanitation inspection system. The Chinese translation of "Abattoir" was published in about 80 years, and it has almost no literary value. However, I saw a new version in the market more than ten years ago. It may be related to the food safety issue of the people here. His other novels include "The Ash King" about coal mines, and "Boston" about political corruption. Although it was an adaptation, it was Paul Thomas. Anderson (screenwriter and director) Here, the characters, stories and themes have undergone earth-shaking changes. In the words of the ancient Chinese, it means "borrowing other people's wine glasses to pour one's own breasts". The protagonists in the original work, the oil practitioners, all become the background in the movie and become dispensable; and the labor conflicts that Sinclair focuses on are nowhere to be seen in the movie. In other words, Anderson chose "Oil" only because of the character of Daniel Plavin and the background of the novel. The film uses an omniscient perspective that is not the original. Most of it uses Plavin's perspective, while the subjective feelings of all other victims are ignored. This is probably the most distinctive part of this film. In 2007, Hollywood gave birth to two masterpieces that are worthy of the annals of history, namely, "The Blood Is Coming" and the aforementioned "Old Nowhere" by the Coen Brothers. The coincidences surrounding these two films are also amazing: 1 are both produced by Paramount/Miramax; 2 are producers by Scott Rudin; 3 are the directors of both films. Reached the pinnacle of personal career and successfully completed the transformation; 4 the background of the story is all in the American West; 5 all ignore female characters; 6 all start with a long period of silence and end with an unexpected abrupt end; 7 the filming cycle and The location (Texas) overlapped strangely, so that "Old Nowhere" had to be suspended because of the billowing smoke created by "Blood Is Coming"; 8 were nominated for eight Oscars, of which six overlapped. Finally, I must say, and I have to say that Daniel, not Daniel Plain, has said enough about this guy, but Daniel Day-Lewis. Yes, without Paul Thomas Anderson, there would be no such thing as "The Blood Is Coming", but without Daniel Day-Lewis' great and amazing method performance, it is hard to imagine "The Blood Coming" would be what it is now. . Regarding Dai-Lewis’s performance, I don’t need to go into details here, but let’s talk about gossip—Dillon Fresier, a young actor who plays HW, is a native of Texas. When I learned that Dai-Lewis was cooperating with Dillon. His mother specially watched a "New York Gangs" starring Day-Lewis. In the film, the hideous Day-Lewis really frightened Little Dillon’s mother and even retreated; but when she had seen director Anderson recommended After "The Age of Innocence", I was immediately fascinated by Day-Lewis... It can be judged that Daniel Day-Lewis's Daniel Plavin is one of the greatest performances in the history of film. Only Ma Long in ``The Wharf Storm'' and ``A Streetcar Named Desire'' are comparable. Brando and Robert De Niro in "Taxi Driver" and "Angry Bull", or Al Pacino in the first two "Godfathers." Having seen such a performance, I really suspect that Day-Lewis has been enchanted. Otherwise, why this Irish man who has always given a gentle impression is like a demon possessed, with a low voice and seductive body language, he is The life of the same name was pulled from the pages of the script. (2009-10/2020-04)

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There Will Be Blood quotes

  • Henry Brands: I'm your brother... from another mother.

  • Gene Blaize: You boys are a regular family business.