over. Didn't you expect it? I didn’t expect it, this is the wonderful thing about "The Shining"~
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Jacklyn 2022-03-19 09:01:01
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Gennaro 2022-04-24 07:01:01
If "Marriage Life" detaches the daily marriage relationship and puts it into an overhead experimental field, then "The Shining" is completely its opposite. The infinite and terrifying extension of Overlook is an enlarged family space rather than an The social space, when Wendy and Danny first appeared, we found a dysmorphic family relationship more than David Lynch, but Kubrick normalized it to the viewer, not David Lynch Odd's "internal normalization", if this relationship can be called "family", then Overlook is more like a home than the house they lived in before. As the low-camera follow-up of Danny suggests that the child is the real subject of The Shining, and from which to look at the deformed father and his castration power, Kubrick Jung presents childhood in a formal way, with Ani Ma and the moment when the collective unconscious meets, and the self-locking tendencies of that moment.
Myles 2022-03-24 09:01:02
Kubrick is really an all-rounder, and this horror film has once again reached the superb level in the genre. It's a shame that Jack Nicholson didn't get an Oscar nomination. (9.0/10)
Delbert Grady: Your son has quite an extradordinary talent. I don't think you realise how extraordinary it is.
Jack Torrance: [silently counts to 35 on his left hand] Mr. Grady, haven't I seen you somewhere before?