Smith and Son’s first screen collaboration

Ryleigh 2022-03-17 09:01:02

Will Smith is no stranger to all movie audiences. The former Oscar actor's popular candidate was nominated again with "When Happiness Knocked on the Door", and Streep both occupied the top spot in the American polls.

This film is different from all Smith's previous films. He once again proved his versatility to the audience. The film is based on real character Chris Gardner. It tells about an African American who strives to maintain his family through his hands but is always affected by external pressure. After a series of hard work and struggle, he gets a job as a stock broker and finally The story of an economic company with its own stock. Although it may be an old-fashioned Hollywood inspirational film just from the perspective of the film's story, the description of the relationship between father and son and the handling of details have made this film unsurprisingly favored by the audience.

Chris Gardner has always hoped to give his family stability and happiness, especially for his son. He once vowed not to want his son to leave him. But the situation in life is not satisfactory. Chris Gardner’s medical devices are not generally recognized, and his wife chooses to leave because he can’t stand the pressure of the broker. Chris Gardner became an intern in a stock brokerage company with occasional opportunities and his own efforts, hoping to get the happiness he expected. However, as an intern, Chris Gardner does not have any source of income. Even if he puts in more effort than others, there is still no way to escape the fate of homelessness, and only one person will get a job during the half-year internship. . In order not to be separated from his son, he decided to move from the apartment to the motel, and then he could only spend the night in the sanctuary of the church or even the toilet in the subway station. After being forced to go bankrupt, he even chose to sell blood to maintain a living for a few days. Fortunately, in the end, we didn't see this man who was constantly experiencing frustration leaving the stock brokerage company.

Joining Will Smith in the film is his son Jaden Smith in life. Although this is his first contact with the screen, he seems to have inherited his father's performance cell, and the performance is natural and not jerky. There is an impressive scene in the film. After being kicked out of the motel for being unable to pay the rent, the Gardner and his sons were forced to spend the night in a toilet in a subway station. The two imagined the medical equipment promoted by Gardner as a time machine, pretending to avoid being chased by dinosaurs in the subway station late at night, and entering the cave that could protect them-the toilet. When outsiders kept knocking on the door and asking to enter the toilet, Gardner shed almost desperate tears while protecting his sleeping son. Others, such as bathing his son in the shelter, and the joyful reaction in the crowd after finally getting the admission notice, all reflect the excellent acting skills of Will Smith.

On the road to happiness, the constant setbacks made the emotional sublimation of the two fathers and sons more convincing. The inspirational and warm theme makes this film easily a magic weapon that can capture audiences of all ages. Coupled with the excellent performances of directors Gabriel Mucino and Smith and Son who are good at warm films, I believe the audience will not be disappointed.

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Extended Reading

The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."