"Indiana Jones" The story of Dr. Jones looking for the Ark of the Covenant

Gayle 2022-03-18 09:01:01

Dr. Jones has a well-known reputation in the archaeological world, and he can always complete archeological missions with his own wisdom and skill. Dr. Jones even went deep into the caves with many institutions, and experienced difficulties such as ant nests, vipers, spiders, and enemy hunting, and even betrayal by fellow travelers. During World War II, Hitler snatched archaeologists from all over the world to find the "lost ark", hoping to protect the Nazi army. Dr. Indiana Jones accepted the commission from the National Security Agency and decided to get the ark of the covenant before the Nazis, and then take it back to the museum.

Dr. Jones came to Nepal and found Lisa Wood, the daughter of his master's master. Lisa had a copper pendant on her body, which was one of the most important tools for finding the ark of the covenant. The two had a relationship before. At one time Lisa hated Jones very much. Now they are getting together again and set off together. Of course, there are also Nazis who want to get the bronze medal, but they didn't succeed. Jones took Lisa to a friend's house to find out more information. Here, Lisa was kidnapped by the Nazis on the street, Lisa’s car burned down, and Jones thought Lisa was dead, and was sad for a while. There was a wonderful chase. Jones discovered his old rival, Dr. John, and John had already turned to the Nazis.

But Dr. Jones will not give up, especially when he has not completed the task. Jones and his friends came to the site where the Nazis excavated the ark. Many antiquities have been revealed, but the ark has not fallen yet. Jones determined the location of the ark based on his knowledge and wisdom, then went deep into the enemy camp and found the ark around a group of vipers. Even if Dr. Jones hates and fears snakes the most, he has a way. Here, Jones discovered that Lisa was not dead. Soon, the Nazis discovered Dr. Jones, and the Doctor’s ark was snatched away. Lisa and Jones were thrown underneath, surrounded by vipers. The extremely wise Dr. Jones took Lisa to escape again. The brave Dr. Jones fought with the Nazis and even snatched the car from the opponent, finally regaining the ark of the covenant. On the ship to England, the Nazis once again snatched the Ark back and also captured Lisa.

Dr. Jones went to Longtan Tiger Den again to rescue Lisa and search for the Ark of the Covenant. This time Dr. Jones was caught again. Dr. John decided to wait for someone to inspect the goods before sending the Ark to Berlin, and not to fork out any forks. Just after the Ark was opened, Dr. John and all the Nazi soldiers were killed. The Ark radiated huge light and heat. Jones and Lisa closed their eyes and escaped, then brought the ark back to the United States and successfully completed the mission.

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Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark quotes

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