Squandering flowers gradually become charming

Rachelle 2022-03-15 09:01:02

After experiencing the hustle and bustle of the "Budapest Hotel" (2014) a few months ago, it may be more open and objective to reminisce about this film, which was produced and directed by Wes Anderson. The ending writing is inspired by Zweig's novels. Obviously, the Eastern European style in "Yesterday's World" has influenced the director's creation.

More obviously, it comes from the influence of Liu Bieqian's films "You Flee, I Escape" and "Street Corner Shop" and other films. Liu Bieqian, known as the "Master of Masters", is a great master of humorous movies. His unparalleled comedy creativity can be described as amazing in his movies. It can be said that his film affects the comedy film of the whole world, and it is useless not to laugh, unless it comes to the mouth.

Of course, the "Budapest Hotel" is more than that, it has a more expansive atmosphere, and its magnificent pictures are more than the texture of oil paintings. Just as a tipping point of this film is an oil painting called "Apple Boy".

The so-called Grand Budapest Hotel in Niu Mao Country in 1932, under the management of Gustav in charge, was in a prosperous business and made you feel at home. Gustav, who was born as a doorman, met the little doorman Wu who had fled from another country, that is, Mustafa who later recalled this past event. The two are as close as father and son. Gustav shuttled between the ladies and celebrities, like a fish in the water, such as Mrs. De, the head of the Desgouts family. Soon after sending Mrs. De, she was destined to go to the west.

Gustav took Mustafa hurriedly by train. All the members of Mrs. De's family were present. When the lawyer Kovaz announced Mrs. De's will, stating that "Apple Boy" was given to Gustav, this stabbed a hornet's nest. Mrs. De’s son Bian Mi Cui was the first to attack, and the beaten Ge master and disciple escaped. Fortunately, Sergi, the housekeeper, secretly helped, took down "Apple Boy" and got on the train, but they didn't know Sergi, and secretly put the old lady's second will in the frame.

The German family, who could not give up on this, sent the killer Jabrin, and all the people related to Gustav were not spared, including the lawyer Kovaz and the Sergi brothers and sisters. Interestingly, Agatha, a beautiful girl from Mande Bakery, actually fell in love with the penniless Wu. Every time Gustaf praised Agatha, he said "no flirting" without jealousy.

However, Gustav still had difficulty in escape from prison. At the instigation of a group of difficult brothers, he started a sophisticated escape plan and successfully escaped. So the two masters and apprentices were on the way of fleeing on ice and snow together. The high snow-capped mountains in the Alps almost swallowed them, but there were good-hearted people including priests helping each other along the way. After making the killer Japolin fall into the snow cliff like a comedy, they secretly return to the Budapest Hotel.

But when Agatha retrieved "Apple Boy", Mrs. De's son Bian Mi Cui found out, chasing him, and shooting loudly. Fortunately, people are safe and sound, and oil paintings are safe and sound, and there is no way to recite romantic poetry to his beauty, Agatha.

Take Mrs. De's second will from the oil painting, and all family property, including the Grand Hotel, was given to Gustav. This dramatic arrangement made God wake up laughing. Gusta, who only loved his life as a disciple, was on the train, facing the fascists, in order to protect Wu's misfortune, and the beautiful woman Agatha also died two years later.

Things are impermanent, people are unpredictable, but true feelings are always there. This is the glimmer of life in the dark age, and the movie gives the best interpretation. Life is just a fragile illusion. Only the Grand Budapest Hotel has always been there, even in the socialist period of the 1960s.

The rhythm of the movie is extremely delicately controlled, the plot is compact and there is room for imagination, and it is not piled up for amusement, just like the rational use of the color blocks and the color difference ratio of the oil painting. Comedy, not for comedy, is just a master of nowhere, just like the movies of Liu Bieqian and Billy Wilder. It's more reliable than just bewitched.

The squandered flowers are gradually fascinating, but they are not annoying, because there is always a main thread, which is unique in its control. We've seen too many contrived works, and after a period of great excitement, we can't feel anything, not to mention the lingering taste of sweetness. Fortunately, the "Budapest Hotel" gave us the beauty of watching "The Grand Hotel" eighty years ago, and it is not in vain that I had 100 minutes of fun with it on this Christmas Eve.

2014, 12, 26

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The Grand Budapest Hotel quotes

  • Agatha: [about M.Gustave and Zero] Whence came these two radiant celestial brothers, united for an instant, as they crossed the upper stratosphere of our starry window, one from the east, and one from the west.

    M. Gustave: VERY good.

  • M. Gustave: [pointing at an armful of flowers] These are NOT acceptable.

    Hotel Employee: [bearing flowers] I fully agree.