Youth is a struggling gesture

Delphine 2022-03-19 09:01:02

"Choose life, choose work, choose occupation, choose family. Choose a fucking big TV. Choose washing machine, car, laser player, electric can opener. Choose health, low caliber, low sugar. Choose fixed-rate mortgage. Choose your starting point, choose your friends, choose sportswear and suitcases.... Choose your future, your life. But why should I do this?
" The beginning of "Guessing the Train". The background image that sets off the inner monologue is wobbly, frantically running youth, wildly laughing faces, messy rooms and injection syringes. The light and shadow of this punk rhythm brought the rock and roll tone throughout the movie. Then we saw the protagonist Mark falling straight to the ground in the psychedelic and intoxication of drug addiction. At the same time, he swore his explicit youth philosophy: "I choose not to choose, I choose other. Why? No? Reason. With heroin, what else is there?"
Mark's youth fell into the whirlpool of self-setting struggles. The forced choice of life and reality creates a contradiction with Mark's frivolous reluctance to choose when he is young. The contradiction brings a sense of tearing up growth. He wants anesthesia, but this anesthesia makes Mark suffer in the gap between his contempt for a healthy and mediocre life and his yearning, which brings another more extreme and cruel tear.
Drugs, alcohol, robbery, sexual intercourse... the most degraded life in the dirtiest corner, day after day, will also make Mark feel tired, so he gives up drugs. This was the first swing in his struggling posture. It was another compromise that was forced to reflect and admit defeat. It was also a self-saving from a secular perspective. The process of detoxification is full of ridicule and farce, which is like a contemptuous irony of God's seriousness of Mark. The pain of constipation caused by detoxification made him break into the worst toilet in Scotland, and the opium pill that accidentally fell into the toilet caused him to plunge into the toilet. Then, what we saw was the most classic ingenuity of the movie. The toilet is full of filth and disgusting, and there is a beautiful deep blue lake hidden below, with a strong sense of contrast. In the chaotic madness of youth, the so-called extreme beauty and extreme ugliness have been given such alternative standards and fuzzy boundaries. Like heroin life, the surface is dirty and ugly, but in Mark’s heart, it symbolizes the beauty and purity of a unique universe. However, this beauty and purity does have a source of feces and filth. Mark's youth swayed and struggled in the image of the toilet and the deep lake.
Mark met the sexy and charming Diane in the bar, and was passionate all night. In the early morning of the next day, seeing Diane again, Mark was shocked, and it was a 16-year-old pure girl in school uniform who was smiling sweetly at him. The sweet girl in school during the day is the sexy goddess in the bar late at night. The double-faced Diane is another spokesperson for the youth paradox. This underage girl still aroused the guilt in Mark's heart. His regret and self-blame made the audience feel his loveliness once again. He was not completely bad. Just like lou reed sings in perfect day when he touches people's hearts. Madness and arrogance are images floating on the surface. Youth is just a peaceful perfect day like other days.
This perfect day sounded. When Mark fainted from an overdose of drugs, he swayed wildly and lost his speed and weight. , Replaced by the lonely calmness after the carnival, which is a rhythm suitable for people to reflect. Drivers, hospitals, nurses, infusions, parents. While he was drunk and awake, Mark watched the outsider's salvation, quietly, wondering if he was really whispering repeatedly in his heart: I think I was someone else, someone good?
Detoxification again made Mark reborn, and this process was naturally painful. The pale face of the old friend, the baby falling from the ceiling without knowing his father, the image full of paradox and confusion is completely panic, struggling, just like youth soaked in heroin.
After struggling, live quietly. Mark broke away from his old friends, away from drugs, away from life in a dark room. When he was in a suit and tie selling his house in a bright office, the shadow of the past gradually faded. In the end, in order to completely start a new life, he chose to betray his former friends and his previous youth. Betrayal is the cessation of Mark's struggle. He planned to run away from the world, just to prove his youth and anger. However, after struggling to run wildly for a long lap, he actually returned to the original point. When I set foot on a strange road, I felt that I was very cool, but when I returned to mediocrity, I didn't lose my head but felt like a new life. Youth is just such a toss. Only youth can be so logical.
A neat suit, a neat tie, and a clean smile. At the end of the movie, Mark approached us, but his face became more and more blurred, and there would be no difference when he merged into the crowd. "Choose life, choose work, choose occupation, choose family. Choose a fucking big TV. Choose washing machine, car, laser player, electric can opener. Choose health, low caliber, low sugar. Choose fixed-rate mortgage. Choose your starting point, choose your friends, choose sportswear and suitcases.... "It's still his voice.
"Guessing the Train" is a film completely dedicated to youth, recording youth, reflecting on youth, and paying homage to youth. This is so amazingly consistent with the steps we take to experience youth. So let us remember the past of our youth: a little pain, a little bad, a little fear; a little rebellion, a little escape, and a lesson.
Amidst the confusion and confusion, under the confusion and panic, the stumbling youth is a completely struggling posture.

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Trainspotting quotes

  • Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: It wasn't just the baby that died that day. Something inside Sick Boy was lost and never returned. It seemed that he had no theory with which to explain a moment like this... nor did I. Our only response was to keep on going and 'fuck everything'. pile misery upon misery, heap it up on a spoon and dissolve it with a drop of bile, then squirt it into a stinking, puerile vein and do it all over again. Keep on going, getting up, going out, robbing, stealing, fucking people over. Propelling ourselves with longing towards the day that it would all go wrong, because no matter how much you stash, or how much you steal you never have enough. No matter how often you go out and rob and fuck people over, you always need to get up and do it all over again.

  • Spud: [singing] Did you think I would leave you crying, when there's room on my horse for two? Climb up here, Tommy and don't be dying, I can go just as fast with two. When we grow up we'll both be soldiers And our horses will not be toys, and I wonder if we'll remember when we were two little boys.