Maybe the real props attracted me.

Jalyn 2022-03-14 14:12:21


"The bayonet is in the eyes, the bullet is on the back, the limbs are blown to pieces, the bodies of people and horses are lying on the muddy, incinerated ground. Ayer brought an immersive work."-Inquirer Evaluation of the magazine.

But is it possible that this lone hero's victory is false?

. Ayer was deeply influenced by his family of veterans, as well as Belton Y. Cooper's Death Traps. Although the storyline is fictitious, "Anger" is similar to the experience of several real Allied tanks:

For example, the US tank commander Chief of Staff Lafayette G. "War Daddy" Sergeant Pool (Pool), he destroyed 258 enemy vehicles before his tank was destroyed in Germany at the end of D-Day 1944.

There are also some similarities with the Battle of Kreisheim in Germany in 1945. According to an anecdote in "Death Trap", one of the lone tanks was "in his tank, at a junction" as one. "When the German infantry unit approached, it was obviously not found in the dark." According to the description, the unknown tanker shot all his machine gun ammunition at the enemy and threw a grenade to kill the German soldiers who climbed into the tank. Cooper concluded: "When our infantry arrived the next day, they found the brave young tanker alive, and the entire surrounding area was full of German casualties."

The battle was somewhat similar to that of Audi Murphy, the Medal of Honor winner on a burning M10 tank destroyer outside Holzville, Lorraine, Alsace on January 26, 1945.

Ernest R. Kouma, a sergeant of the other tank battalion, was a single soldier in the second Naktong Bulge in August 1950. Combat. Unlike the film, he lived to the 1990s!

The battle in this movie is also similar to the movie "Sahara Desert" (1943) starring Humphrey Boga.


——Where did the tank come from?

This movie was shot in the UK, because there are still tanks from World War II that can be used here. The protagonist of this movie is Tiger 131, this is the last surviving Tiger tank (there are only 10 in the world, and only this one can be opened), owned by the tank museum Bovinton in Bowington, UK. This is the first time since the movie "They Are Not Separate" (1950) that a real tiger tank has been used in a movie instead of a prop version. Anyone who makes the film knows that the tiger tanks in the general population are pretended to be Russian tanks.

After the tank is transported to the site through a series of insurance, you need to treat it very well, because their parts are already aging, so you must use it in the appropriate environment and temperature. There is no need to worry about the cylinder problem. The track must also go through the correct route. This operability is very different, but we still have to be careful.

Tiger 131 is a very early model Tiger One tank; the barrel is long, from the outside, it has some significant differences from the later Tiger One model. The reproduction version of the Tiger tank is also very good, and every part is very real. When shooting on location, we mainly rely on them. At the end of World War II, some early tiger models were used for the final defensive resistance; the last Tiger tank that fought in the defeat of Brandenburg in Berlin was only a similar vintage tank.

The tiger in the movie is really awesome, ah, too powerful, with bulletproof function. The U.S. Army can't beat 4 to 1. It is also the most tense duel in the film. The tank's main weapon was a 88mm gun, which was originally designed as an anti-aircraft artillery piece. The armour was 100mm thick at the front – strong enough to stop or deflect nearly any Allied return fire. Unlike another prolific German tank, the Panther V, the steel plate protection of early Tigers was not angled, which provided less protection.

Allied forces. 10 M4 Sherman tanks were used. The Fury was played by Ron/Harry's (T224875) M4A2 Sherman tank and was loaned to him by the Tank Museum. From a purely operational point of view, the two tanks are not comparable, because the gap between them is too great, and the German equipment is too good. But Sherman's advantage is speed, which is also reflected in the movie.

Ayer's attention to detail also extends to the maps used in the movie. In 1943, in the Lloyd Reeds Atlas of McMaster University, a wartime map of Hanover, Germany was used to show the types of resources that the Allied forces depended on.

——The roles of the 5 members on a (tiger) tank are: a driver, gunner, loader, commander, and radio operator. Of course there is also a position for the co-pilot in the film. Veteran George said that everyone can turn around, because as long as someone hangs up, other tasks have to be done. The 5 characters in the film are:

(Played by Pete) Don "Wardaddy" Collier, a battle-hardened US Army First Sergeant in the 2nd Armored Division, commands an M4 Sherman "Easy Eight" tank nicknamed Fury (First platoon)

gunner: Boyd "Bible" Swan,

loader: Grady "Coon-Ass" Travis,

driver: Trini "Gordo" Garcia,

assistant driver–bow gunner "Red," killed by a German anti-tank shell, replaced by Private First Class Norman Ellison, a young clerk typist from V Corps.


-"Boss, where is our enemy?"

"Germans are everywhere, in our 4 directions"

——"Damn, why didn't they (German) surrender"

"It's you, would you surrender?"

——"Have you ever killed anyone?"

"No, but I can type 60 characters in a minute."

——"Go and teach the recruit how to use the gun"

"Open the gate and you can close it, close it and it's nothing."

——"Do you know how to kill a horse?"

"First touch his forehead, let him be obedient, and then blow his spine with a shot while he is not paying attention."

——"Head, what are you doing" "Shit, I haven't shit in a week"

——"Boss, you have to promise me that when I hang up, I will bury my head underneath."


"So the whole world can kiss my ass"

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Fury quotes

  • Wardaddy: Shut up and send me more pigs to kill!

  • Wardaddy: Button up!