Adventure and revolution.

Pasquale 2022-03-17 09:01:01

This is a film with clear structure, complete logic, and full of emotion. It is a beautiful fairy tale that takes place in the deep blue sea. The profound themes of love and freedom, understanding and redemption are wrapped in thrilling adventures, hidden in the submarine groups that father and son meet, and finally glow with vitality.

The beginning of the film is a tragedy. Marin lost his wife and more than four hundred children in an instant. Marin once asked his wife what to do if my children don't like me. His wife joked that it's okay, you have so many children, half of the children will like you. But the disaster came so quickly, and in a blink of an eye, he was only left with Nemo. So Marin was not so neurotic at the beginning, it was disasters that made him suffer from gains and losses. For Marin, this desperate trip was a process of finding his son and a process of redeeming himself. This is the keynote of the healing system in this film. Before becoming a good father, he should first be a good fish.

After the son was arrested, the movie showed two clear lines. In the deep sea, the cautious father embarked on an adventure to find his son. In the process, he met Dolly, who had amnesia, a silly but always energetic fish. This character can refer to the chubby in "Flying House". Their kindness and optimism can always arouse the love and courage buried in our hearts. As for the behemoths they encountered, such as sharks that were addicted to fish eating, whales that ate them in their mouths and exhaled them, they all appeared in contrast and cuteness. As for the mighty and mighty ones. The tortoise group, the calm old tortoise, the brave and fearless little tortoise are all impressive, and the section of Marin crossing the jellyfish group is really beautiful.

In the human fish tank, the son began to fight for freedom with humans. Every little fish here also has its own vitality, perseverance, desire, loyalty, and of course, there are also some small human defects. When Nemo first tried to block the air vent of the fish tank, he didn't know the danger, he did it exactly according to Jie Ge's instructions. The scene of blocking the fish tank was also very well shot, full of tension, and my daughter jumped onto me nervously when she watched it. When we felt the tension of Nemo's life hanging by a thread, and then looked back at Brother Ji, he actually knew the danger that Nemo was about to face, but he was unwilling to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As he later repented, in that process, he also experienced a lot of human struggles. So compared to the world of the sea, the small world of fish tanks is actually more complicated and more real. Compared to my father's expedition in the vast ocean, I prefer my son's revolution in the narrow and cramped fish tank. After Nemo heard the news from his father, he plucked up the courage to try again. If it was said that he was a newborn calf and was not afraid of tigers, then this time he really knew that there were tigers in the mountains, and he was biased towards the tiger mountains. Although the plot is old-fashioned, it is really a sensational passage that has been tried and tested. Who doesn't want to see the growth of a child, who doesn't want to see the birth of a hero.

The last two lines intertwined in Sydney Harbour, and the father and son were finally reunited. The good thing about the movie is that he didn't end there. He designed another disaster. This time in the process of fighting mankind’s wits and courage, countless sons of wisdom and courage have accumulated, and they fight like heroes, while the father, who is fearful of his son’s injury. The father finally learned to let go and let his son fight like a hero.

The fact that they can get together across the sea is not the best ending of the story. The best ending is that in the course of this adventure, they all gained the best of themselves.

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Finding Nemo quotes

  • [Nemo and Marlin are hugging]

    Nemo: Uh, Dad, you can let go now.

  • Marlin: How many stripes do I have?

    Nemo: Dad, I'm fine...

    Marlin: Answer the stripe question.

    Nemo: [exasperated] *Three*.

    Marlin: SEE? Something's wrong with you.

    [he counts]

    Marlin: I have one... two... three? That's all I have?