Thirty years ago

General 2022-03-16 09:01:01

In the 1980s, it was hard to imagine what society was like at that time, the originator of crossing was born. I really want to be able to travel through and feel the look of different times.

Thirty years of development, through this theme, apart from the cooler special effects, the core plot seems to have not made much progress... But the theory has not progressed, and the applied science (imagination) is still progressing quite a lot. The film is presented with imagination. To show the wonders of the future, we use this to stimulate our own imagination. Imagination is the first driving force of technology! I like the unrealistic brain surfing that science fiction brings to me~

Back to the future, the burden is very well buried, and the jokes are very exciting, and the joy of watching the two-hour movie is constant and it is worth it. I also hope to go back to the past and find that my family has become rich after a wave of operations~

After reading two or three, come back to make up the review. The second part and the third part have many repetitive stalks. To sum it up: Marty is awakened by "mother" every time after crossing; every time he is provoked by the same strong man; the same ending of the strong man is buried in the dung pile ,etc.

Our understanding of time won't just stand still, right? In the movie thirty years ago, the interpretation and understanding of time in the current American drama The Flash is exactly the same, even the explanation of drawing a picture is the same. It's just that the Flash episodes are willing to go back and forth more often, which is more complicated.

I don’t believe in traveling through time. All matter in the universe is changing with time. If time can travel through time, does it mean that there is a backup or simultaneous existence of the state of matter at every moment? This is not a Laplace demon anymore. The traverser can insert himself into any paragraph in the data. This Nima is too awesome, which means it is unimaginable. If you traverse in this way, it should be traversed back from the current timeline. After reaching the past time point, the timeline will begin to branch, and the line during the traversal will be discarded (similar to a data loss and a crash), and changes made in the past It can't be called a change in the past, it should be what happened in the present, and going back again is to take a new timeline and return to your revised future. It is similar to the computer deleting a piece of data and recalculating.

It is even more impossible to adjust the timeline of some objects like time gems. For example, if I ate an apple and left a handful, you restore the apple, but the molecules of the apple return to the original position during the restoration process, the molecules in my stomach will be affected, and personal behavior will be affected, and the butterfly effect was born.

But I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I still like watching movies in this area, and diverging my thinking.

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Extended Reading

Back to the Future quotes

  • [Marty enters his house and sees Biff harrassing George]

    Biff Tannen: I can't believe you'd loan me your car without telling me it had a blind spot. I could've been killed!

    George McFly: Blind spot? Now, now, Biff, now I never noticed that the car had any blind spot before when I would drive it. Hi, Son.

    Biff Tannen: What, are you blind, McFly? It's there. How else do you explain that wreck out there?

    George McFly: Biff, can I- Can I assume that your, uh, insurance is gonna pay for the damage?

    Biff Tannen: My insurance? It's your car. Your insurance should pay for it. I wanna know who's gonna pay for this?

    [shows his shirt]

    Biff Tannen: I spilled beer all over it when the car smashed into me. Who's gonna pay my cleaning bill?

  • Sam Baines: Stella! Another one of these damn kids jumped in front of my car! Come on out here! Help me take him in the house!