Let's knock on the door of happiness

Cassandra 2022-03-16 09:01:01

I like to watch movies. I like to speculate about the interpretation that the director wants to convey while enjoying the pictures and chewing the story.
Some movies are used for leisure, some are used to vent, some are worthy of appreciation, and the best ones are deeply moving and thought-provoking. The "When Happiness Knocks on the Door" I watched today should be classified into the last category.
The story selects a low-educated and low-income salesman. He pawned all his possessions and bought six scanners that can be regarded as the greatest invention of this century. His task is to run around the city’s clinics and laboratories every day to give doctors. It's hard to imagine how difficult it is to sell this kind of big guy who is only a little clearer than a microscope, but whose price is twice as high. His life is very embarrassing: he can't pay rent and taxes, his son is placed in a kindergarten where he can't even write "happiness", his wife has two part-time jobs for four consecutive months, and finally abandons him. It seems that everything is so bad. It wasn't until one day that he met a stockbroker driving a small car to work on the street, he had the idea of ​​stepping into this industry. Squatting in front of the company for a month, seized an opportunity to manipulate the Rubik's Cube in front of the agent, and finally got a phone number. The day before the interview, he was detained for failing to pay a fine, and ran to the exchange the next morning. All the people in front of him laughed at him, but this requires an internship for 6 months, and in the end he chose only one of the 20 top-level talents as a full-time employee, and he finally got it. After that, he has not lived a good life. The money in the bank card was taken away. The unbearable landlord expelled him, took his son, and spent the night in the toilet of the subway station. The knock on the door outside made him terrified, tears dripped, but he still wanted to guard. In the end, he was reduced to a long queue at the asylum, just for one night's accommodation. In the movie, there is a long line of displaced people in contrast with the roaring sports cars. Life is so realistic. Happy people are the same, but the unfortunate have their own misfortunes. There is no income, nowhere to stay, all these painful encounters did not strike his confidence and perseverance. The only thing he has in his life is the sensible son who has been with him. He still makes endless calls every day, just to bring two more customers to the company in the end. In this way, he knew more and more people, and he was getting closer and closer to happiness...
When searching for information related to this film later, I noticed that the title of the film was written wrongly "the pursuit of happyiness". Recalling the clip in the movie, he shouted at the sweeping Chinese in the kindergarten: "There is no Y in happiness, there is an I" Happiness originally didn't have WHY, only I. As long as we have dreams in our hearts and pursue them, we can get happiness.
I was a little puzzled that the title of the film was "When happiness comes knocking at the door" in the Chinese translation, which probably has something to do with the final father-son dialogue. But many people think that happiness will come by themselves, so they just happen to be at their doorstep. Many times we now wait for happiness to fall from the sky instead of trying to fight for it. When encountering difficulties, they will shrink back, avoid them, and then pass by happiness. Happiness is for pursuit.
What is happiness? This problem has plagued the world for a long time. I have been unable to answer, but I feel that I have never been very happy. There is no beautiful appearance, no solid background, no boyfriend who loves me, no money-making work, but I am still happy every day. Am I too easy to be satisfied? Then I ask you, family harmony, parental health, reliable friends, and my own dreams, can't these make me feel happy? I will often tell people, cherish what is in front of you, not to promote negative thoughts and prevent others from looking for a better future, but sometimes too much care about the unknown scenery ahead, it is easy to ignore the people and things around you.

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."