Roughly sort out the order!

Davonte 2022-03-16 09:01:01

First round:

Everyone chatted around dick and tip, highlighting the stinginess and selfishness of fans

second round:

1. The leucorrhea orange fled to the warehouse, and the fan complained (the line learned that the brown was dead, and there were 5 people left from 6-1). This paragraph is mainly a dialogue between Bai and Fan

2. Interspersed with Mr. Fan’s escape, Mr. Bai’s and Joe’s dialogue, these two scenes mainly explain the antecedents

3. Bai wanted to take orange to the hospital, but the fan disagreed, and the two started fighting

The third game:

Mr. Jin appeared on the stage, arguing with Bai, and the fan acted as the peacemaker

Interspersed with memories of gold

Eddie arrives and starts the four-person dialogue mode

Jin was shot several times by Orange when he killed the police

Fourth game

Orange’s memories reveal the identity of the undercover agent

Fifth scene

Joe comes on stage, revealing Orange’s undercover identity, because Bai confronts Joe for Orange, the fan hides under the wood during the gunfight and escapes with diamonds.

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Extended Reading

Reservoir Dogs quotes

  • [after hearing Orange's smuggling story]

    Joe: Only one thing to do in that case: shit in yer pants an' dive in and swim!

  • Mr. Pink: [about Mr. Blonde] He seems okay now, but he was crazy in the store.

    Mr. White: This is what he was doing...

    [mimics randomly shooting innocent bystanders]

    Mr. White: Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

    Mr. Blonde: Yeah, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. I told 'em not to touch the alarm... but they touched it. If they hadn't done what I told 'em not to do, they'd still be alive.

    Mr. White: [clapping] My fucking hero.

    Mr. Blonde: [taking a bow] Thanks.

    Mr. White: That's your excuse for going on a kill-crazy rampage?

    Mr. Blonde: I don't like alarms, Mr. White.