Why is the collection of bloody dog ​​blood hot?

Lavonne 2022-11-02 15:21:16

(A lot of spoilers, but to be honest, the film does not have much plot.) This

film tells a little boy, his father saved his teammates and sacrificed, and he became a bad boy. The father’s friends brought his son to repay Enti, and his son passed by A series of tests (killing dogs, empty bombs, and pretending to be bad guys, let’s not say, teammates are not unexpectedly bullying, traitorous faces, tall, rich and handsome, and united and friendly girls with excellent grades), but they lose the election. Dad’s base friend bento, the boy tops the bag against the villain, kills his family, and saves the world.
So, please find out the above non-stubborn parts.
If it is said that the bad stems are novel, the film does spit out the scenes in the old movies, but it can only give people a feeling of forcibly pretending to deceive themselves. However, although the first half of the film is mostly bad, the filming is still normal, and the plot is somewhat rushed, but it can reach the level of Hollywood commercial bad movies (it can be seen that the director has been poisoned for many years). In the second half, the high energy is piled up, and the slots continue.
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Tucao keyword: equipment are you teasing me?
The film runs through a variety of high-precision black technology from beginning to end, from prosthetics that can be worn and retracted, to bullet-proof umbrellas, various monitoring equipment, amnesia needles, remote control poisons, liquid tracking instruments, etc. When a set of equipment says we are going to blow up satellites. . . Wait a moment! What the hell is the Star Wars project! What the hell are these two balloons? ! When you hit a satellite, do you use balloon missiles to send people to the edge of the atmosphere, and you have to manually aim and launch it. Finally, it fell from the upper atmosphere and it was not burned to ashes. And you brought an oxygen cylinder. How do you look like falling from the edge of the atmosphere? . . . (Too many slots are out of control)
There is also the anti-aircraft missiles of the villain. This weapon is not as good as Libya, right? ! How can aircraft from various countries need to report their identity to you? This hand-push air defense missile can't hurt them at all, okay? ! Moreover, they all have a chip implanted in their heads, and they actually rely on their mobile phones to verify their identity, and the mobile phone does not even have an encryption! At least you can check the photos! Is the facial recognition technology too high-end for a villain genius who sends out black technology to control brain waves? These soldiers are also equipped in the 1980s! There is no need to pay tribute to Stallone in this place! Does the villain base only have the apron and the control room? ! Don't be ashamed! Without the laser weapon biubiubiu, you can always set up a few security doors! What the hell is the protagonist's ability to avoid bullets learned from the Matrix! In the end, the main control room didn't even have a bulletproof glass or something! Let the protagonist pick up a gun and smash it! And the protagonist can use the gun body to block bullets! Director, can you read more books before making a movie!
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Tucao keyword: rape villain IQ
The villain in this film is a genius and rich man In the beginning, it was easy to play the uncle between the palms, but in the final battle, the villain soldiers all became the five scum of the battle, allowing the protagonist to run around in the base at will. The villain’s main computer was equipped with super protection, but the chip implanted in the villain’s head was hacked for a second. Okay, I know there is a foreshadowing, but why does biometrics hurt! Why is it troublesome! And there is no need to install this kind of thing for your own soldiers! They don't need your Destroy World phone card! In any case, you are a genius who cracked such an important thing in one second. And wasn't that woman all sorts of grips in the beginning! The opening kill is effortless! Why did the protagonist kill her without hurting her root hair! And why should the console be pressed all the time! If you want people all over the world to kill each other to death, then you can't move for three days and three nights! You are clearly the IQ of the rape villain!
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Tucao keyword: pretend to be forced
One of the main elements of the film is the gentleman. What is a gentleman? Anyway, it's not pretending to be forced, it's not drinking a little wine and making jokes to lay down a corpse, it's not that the heads of quite innocent politicians of various countries are blown up and then hahaha! The uncles are a bit like a gentleman, but the protagonist forcefully pretends to think that the suit martini is a gentleman? Director, you really have been in the United States for too long! Don’t pretend to force me to make do with your movie!
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Tucao keyword: treat bloody and violent scenes jokingly, this should be called contempt
There are many homicide scenes in the film of Life , and there are also amputated limbs, headshots, and dismemberments. The agent who pretended to be compelling, understatement and laughed and killed the people in the room, and then drank a little wine proudly. What? Is this decent? What does the villain look like? Just thinking about it, decency was split in half from head to toe. The massacre scenes involved in the following are all accompanied by cheerful music and exaggerated shots, including close-ups of severed limbs and headshots. Especially in the last headshot, the protagonist slaughtered so many innocent people (the heads of state may not even be counted as accomplices, and they are not only obedient by threats and persuasion). What is the difference between the protagonist and the villain? And if you want to watch fireworks, you can see so many people being blown up to bloody flesh, and then you have to say oh, it’s exploded, anti-social perverts don’t necessarily do this thing, right? I know that some people will say that this is black humor, and some people will definitely move out of "Two Smokers" to talk about it. The two big smoke guns are talking about gang fires, two groups of people armed with guns and fight you to death. Is there such a "happy massacre" scene? And what age is it, the director moved this kind of no longer in order to "carry forward", is it really a big man? The rating of this movie is indeed R, but when it was introduced, only the church section was cut and it was broadcast for all ages. I just want to say don’t bring your children to watch it with the label of "comedy". I’m the one Adults are obviously feeling unwell. Please cherish the time and money of this movie, and use them to your advantage. In addition, the end of the film is an obvious sexual suggestion. If you don't understand English, it's okay. If you understand English, you will smile evilly. Don't explain it to the children.

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Kingsman: The Secret Service quotes

  • [Valentine notices the people in the party room looking gloomy]

    Valentine: The fuck's wrong with them?

    Gazelle: I don't know. Could be something to do with the mass genocide.

    Valentine: Give me the mic.

    [Gazelle hands Valentine a microphone. Valentine stands up]

    Valentine: Hey all! Everybody listen up! What the fuck is wrong with you people? I just want to remind you all that today is a day of celebration. We must put aside all thoughts of death, and focus on birth. The birth of a new age. We mustn't mourn the ones who give their lives today. We should honor their sacrifice, and their role in saving the human race. We must put aside doubts and guilt. You are the chosen people. When folks tell their kids the story about Noah's Ark, is Noah the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Is God the bad guy?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: How about the animals marching two by two?

    [Crowd says no]

    Valentine: Of course not! Yeah, that's it! Let's turn those frowns upside down. Eat, drink, and paaaaarty!

  • Harry Hart: I very much regret that your husband's bravery can't be publicly celebrated. I hope you understand that.

    Michelle Unwin: How can I understand, if you won't tell me anything? I didn't even know he wasn't with his squad.

    Harry Hart: I'm so sorry I can't say more. I would like to present to you this medal of valour. If you look closely on the back, there's a number. And as a more concrete gesture of gratitude, we'd like to offer you a... Let's call it a favour. The nature of it is your choice. Just tell the operator: 'Oxfords, not Brogues.' And then they'll know it's you.

    Michelle Unwin: I don't want your help!

    [Pushing away the medal]

    Michelle Unwin: I want my husband back!


    Michelle Unwin: [Hart walks away and approaches little Eggsy, who is playing with a snow globe]

    Harry Hart: What's your name, young man.

    Little Eggsy: Eggsy.

    Harry Hart: Hello, Eggsy. Can I see that?

    [Eggsy gives Hart the snow globe. Hart gives Eggsy the medal]

    Harry Hart: You take care of this, Eggsy. Alright?

    [Eggsy nods]

    Harry Hart: And take care of your mum, too.