Watching "Montage" in Six Views

Floy 2022-01-24 17:48:17

Fifteen years ago, Han Zhe kidnapped the heroine's daughter because her daughter had a heart attack and urgently needed surgery. Han Zhe, who took the ransom, was about to release the little girl, but the little girl scratched the corner of his eye. After the little girl escaped, Han Zhe rushed all the way. The little girl stumbled and fell to death in front of the heroine.

Fifteen years later, the prosecution period is up, and Han Zhe has not been arrested yet.

The police accidentally discovered that someone was offering flowers at the scene of the accident, and the flowers were not placed by the hostess. The police immediately checked the surveillance and found that the kidnappers released it. The picture quality was too vague to determine the identity of the kidnapper. The police had to ask the drivers who had passed by that section of the road for help, and finally found the kidnapper's car in the driving recorder. Although there is no license plate number, a special logo was accidentally found on the windshield.

On a rainy day, the police accidentally ran into the car at the market and found the kidnappers. The police chased the kidnapper to a restaurant, but let him escape. The hostess learned from the umbrella left by the kidnapper that the kidnapper was a VIP customer of a financial institution. After requesting the VIP list, the hostess independently investigated the people on the list one by one.

Then, the scene came to Han Zhe. Han Zhe's granddaughter was kidnapped, and Han Zhe disappeared. The police found that the kidnappers committed the crime in exactly the same way as 15 years ago. After catching the kidnapper, it turns out that the kidnapper is Han Zhe. But Han Zhe said he was instigated by the real kidnappers. The police took the tape with the kidnapper’s voice for analysis and found that it was exactly the same as the kidnapper’s voice 15 years ago, except that the sound quality was blurred. The police realized that someone had taken a tape with the kidnapper’s voice fifteen years ago to carry out this kidnapping incident, and the only person who owned the tape 15 years ago was the heroine.

The truth is that the heroine conducted an investigation based on the VIP list and found that Han Zhe was the kidnapper 15 years ago, but because Han Zhe did not have the slightest heart to repent, the heroine decided to retaliate and let Han Zhe experience the kidnapping of his granddaughter. After learning the truth, Han Zhe had to “confess” to the police that he had kidnapped her granddaughter and was sentenced.

The reasoning is very weak. I don't know how the heroine who was fighting alone discovered that Han Zhe was the kidnapper 15 years ago. But the idea of ​​the victim and the victim's identity exchange is great! I don’t know why the title is called "Montage"...

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