The conspiracy of sugar is understandable, but for your own sake, eat less sugar!

Syble 2022-10-28 19:11:59

By coincidence, I watched the trailer on Tencent and I was full of curiosity about this movie, but I couldn't find the resources everywhere. Thank you, Minxi, for giving me the link.

I have always known that eating sugar will cause tooth decay, drinking bad beverages, and fats that are not delicious, will make you fat, but I did not expect that sugar is so harmful to the body. The film is directed and starred by Damon. When his baby was born, he wanted to figure out a healthy diet, so he initiated a 60-day experiment. He has been on a sugar-free diet for three years, but during the trial period, he had to consume 40 scoops of sugar from "healthy food" every day. It feels like a scary amount of sugar, but it is easy to experiment. Fruit juice, flavored low-fat yogurt, toast and other artificial health foods are full of sugar, 40 per day, it is not too simple. Although we don't know Damon's emotions before, he is moody and often depressed after eating candy, just like a drug addict. When the experiment was over, Damon's physical condition changed from healthy to bad. His liver was the worst, his insulin level was on the verge of collapse, his waist circumference increased, and his weight gained. After the experiment, he resumed his sugar-free life. In his words, it was the same as quitting smoking, but within 2-4 weeks, he would find that this was life, and he returned to peace.

When I saw sugar eroding our bodies like sulfuric acid, my heart was terrified and I refused. How can I act?

No need to think about carbonated drinks such as cola. They are definitely not good. The same goes for the juices sold in supermarkets. What impressed me was that Damon held an apple and said that one or two apples may be full after eating. This is a gift from nature to us. It is a gift in a package, but when it is all made into juice, the juice of three apples It will not make people feel full, because the dietary fiber in the apple is destroyed, so that we know that almost the dietary fiber we eat is destroyed.

We have always thought that the culprit is fat. In order to avoid him, we chose low-fat. It may be that the low-fat taste is really bad. The manufacturer increased the sugar content in order to survive. This problem is really... Let's eat normal.

Because of the development of society, we strive to make our lives better. There are anthocyanins in grape seeds. Then we extract them and eat the good ones. We like to eat sugar cane. It turns out that we like the sweetness in it. Then we extract the sugar. , We rely more and more on the extracted food to live, and we are farther and farther away from the natural and complete food produced by nature. Thinking of a clip in the Vampire Diaries, Selena’s mother was transformed into a human being. She was hungry and wanted to eat, but her companion only gave her a bag of potato chips. She said: I want some food! not this.

Take a look at the "food" on the dining table, chocolate egg rolls, each 100 grams contains 72 grams of carbohydrates. On the right, it should be half of its content, but 24% is written. Take a closer look. It is the nutrient reference value. The data seen on food has also been processed by humans. Moreover, the data itself contains water. How should we eat it?

Fortunately, we Chinese, as far as I know, no one around me drinks 12 cans a day. We do seem to be thinner than some Europeans. We don’t love sugar as much as they do. But there are some things that really need to be controlled: cakes, cookies, ice cream, sweet yogurt... But many can’t control it. We have pot-packed pork, sweet and sour pork ribs, and many of our seasonings are sugary. It seems that we can only quit completely. Eat water and, I think if I can quit drinks, candy, and ice cream, I will succeed. Moreover, our staple food has always been rice and other grains. Can the body accept it if we don't eat it? Not sure.

Okay, my conclusion: try to eat whole foods and try not to eat packaged foods in supermarkets. We want to eat food, not food! No drinks, no ice cream, no various forms of candy, and good fat.

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