I want to say

Evan 2022-10-08 17:50:29

I want to say that normal people will be mentally shocked, irritable and complaining about neuroticism, but they will turn from the worst to mild and eventually disappear and return to reality to continue their lives. Depressed patients will be triggered by mental shock and will change from mild to worse and eventually commit suicide. They doubt everything and face comfort. Sensitive and irritable to others, I feel that everyone is everyone, I want to explore and change myself. I am not paying enough attention and being valued and I feel that everyone is deliberately making things bad. Her imaginary sense of existence is related. All doctors are wrong. They do not eat or sleep on purpose. They want to find the fault of others and cause themselves. This will turn the best and most concerned people around them into lunatics, and they really dare not face suicide. Vent the sorrow of falling to the bottom with almost sincere happiness and laughter

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Extended Reading

Queen of Earth quotes

  • Catherine: [to Rich] You fucking animal. You unrepentant piece of shit. You click your tongue and you revel in the affairs of others. You are worthless. You don't know anything about me. You show up to fuck my best friend, and you pry into the lives of others to conceal how worthless and boring your own life is. I don't deserve this. I just want to be left alone. I want to be left alone with the few people who are left in this world who are decent.

    [Catherine glances briefly at Ginny before reverting back to Rich]

    Catherine: You are weak and greedy and selfish, and you are the root of every problem. You are why people betray one another. You are why there is nowhere safe or happy anymore. You are why depression exists. You are why there is no escape from indecency and gossip and lies. You, Rich, you are why my father had to die. Because he couldn't live in a world like *this.*

  • Virginia: Catherine, I know.