Madame Bovary

Camron 2022-09-06 07:34:13

Madame Bovary When I finished the movie, I feel my heart deep down like MB, may be people will say it's vanity, that this tragic ending is she created, but I don't think so, this is human nature and normal things, we need to face it, her husband couldn't give her the love she wanted, evan ordinary communication, everything is disappointing, As a girl, you well want all the good things, beautiful dress, jewelry .in my opinion, she has also experienced a short period of gorgeous and happy, evan it's full of lives.

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Madame Bovary quotes

  • Monsieur Lheureux: Each moment you don't possess what you love is a moment not spent in love. And a heart without love is a heart without a voice. No song, no life.

  • Emma Bovary: I will not remain inert, standing in a fever of despair.

    The Marquis: My dear Emma, you are unrelenting, standing under an apple tree, wishing to smell the scent of orange blossoms. So yes, you are indeed standing in a lost world of illusion. You like to hear the words, but you have no courage to act upon your feelings.