Demolition brigade, demolish the whole family

Luigi 2022-09-24 10:08:38

It was just a dull picture at the beginning. I was still thinking, what kind of parents would leave their children to live alone, and both would die?

Later, the parents returned miraculously. Based on the final conclusion, I would like to ask these parents, why are you still coming back? Knowing that his child was possessed by supernatural creatures and his son was also killed, why did you come back? take baggage? American dying? Poor parents?

Countless exorcism films have told me that those who can be possessed are either weak-willed or young, so the choice of supernatural creatures in this film is a wise choice for children.

Logic loopholes:

Since these supernatural creatures (devil?) are going to destroy the world, why does this little girl stay at home alone? It would be great to demolish the house and kill people early.

Maybe the little girl tried to resist, she longed for her parents to come back, so the devil can't take her away, it doesn't seem to make sense...the devil has been controlling her all the time.

But I hope to make the second one (it should be out of play). I want to see what these demons are going to do and set up a new century demolition team?

This is a good subject. The director has ambitions in his heart, but it is a pity that the shooting method is not good and there are many loopholes, otherwise the series will definitely be made.

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