you are what you eat

Jadon 2022-11-25 11:17:28

From conception to logic and editing, it is a wonderful film!

Look and reflect on your relationship with food and your body. The meaning is only the idea of ​​changing the eating habits. It is too difficult to practice it. I always think that I am an eating disorder. In fact, the food I eat has a more or less impact on my mood. Another point is that reducing food intake is the kingly way. what!

A director who is about to become a father decided to try his own way and use himself as a test subject. Within 60 days, he completely abandoned the past healthy eating habits and replaced them with high-sugar recipes. Even in the show, he used sauces, drinks, and dairy products. The sugar in it is directly converted into the actual amount and eaten directly. The shock makes me not want to touch any sweets in a short period of time.

The entire documentary uses the film mode to record the 60-day high-sugar journey of director and actor Damon Gameau, including changes in the physical, emotional, and lifestyle. As a third-party audience, I realized how much influence these trivial little habits can bring to us, and to what extent they can change the direction of our lives.

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