Men leave work early, the consequences may be serious

Zella 2022-06-10 23:33:06

It was very late, and Dave and the company security yelled, because every time he was playing a game, the security would never see that he had turned off the company's wait. He protested and was very angry. He felt that playing games could no longer vent his anger. He picked up the photo of his colleague's wife at the next table and went to the bathroom to have a lust.

The picture of his wife on his desk is more beautiful. Why did he take the picture of his wife at the next table?

It was getting darker, and Dave was about to go home, so he sent a text message to his wife. When he got home, there was a cold dinner on the table. He saw through the dark hole in the kitchen that his wife had fallen asleep. It was so beautiful. He slept next to such a beautiful wife, but he dared not move her finger. The relationship between the husband and wife faded, so they had to find a way to make up. Dave left work early the next day and brought flowers to surprise his wife. By the way, the two were gentle.

Through the dark hole, TM's wife actually got into bed with someone else's man!

Dave ran away cowardly, but unwilling to think about it, this green hat can't be worn for nothing. He drove a small broken car to follow the adulterer to a mansion villa, and gave the doorman 200 Indian rupees (19 yuan) to get out the details of the adulterer.

Then he went home dingy and went to sleep. In fact, he wore this green hat for nothing.

If Dave's boss gives him a raise, it is estimated that Dave will be in the company every night to spoil his colleague's wife, go home very late, and have different dreams with his wife who cuckolded him.

Thanks to the wicked capitalist, the boss said that he can’t raise his salary. Dave can’t think about it, car loans, mortgages, credit cards, and the TV bills his wife asked him to pay. The day after tomorrow, he will have to pay 100,000 rupees (in fact, it’s only RMB 10,000. piece).

Dave thought that he was so bitter and couldn’t afford the adulterer. He peeked at his wife’s phone and got the adulterer’s number, bought a new SIM card, and sent a blackmail message to the adulterer: “You’re having a husband. The wife is cheating."

I was in my heart at that time, no one would give money just because of a text message.

Unexpectedly, the adulterer was too stupid, so he asked his wife for money and gave it. The adulterer enters his wife’s house for the money, and all he eats is his wife’s. The father-in-law also gives him 1,000 rupees a month in pocket money. Why, because he is handsome!

But the adulterer’s wife is stupid, and the adulterer’s father-in-law is not stupid. The two elderly people said that if you don’t spit out 100,000 rupees the day after tomorrow, you will look good.

The adulterer panicked, what should I do? Where can I get so much money? At this moment, his mind suddenly became better, and he sent a text message to blackmail Dave's wife, his lover.

This adulterer is a scam, and he sets it up as GET.

Dave's wife has no money and is stupid. Well, probably beautiful women don't have very good minds. She can only ask Dave for money, and all the money Dave has extorted is thrown out.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with the blackmail of the three people circling here, and everyone had nothing to lose, but Dave had a pig teammate and told the money-loving virgin about this matter. The pig teammate wants to chase and love the money virgin, probably because the virgin has a high status in India.

The money-loving maiden began to blackmail Dave for money, so that the money relationship was out of balance.

Dave asked the pig teammates for the address of the money-loving virgin, and he came to tell her that she could not give her any more money. The money-loving maiden accidentally fell and died. The police went everywhere to track down the murderer. Dave thought that the pig's teammates would definitely take him. After confession, he simply blamed the pig teammates.

At this time, the adulterer found a private detective. Unexpectedly, he was a cardinal and liked to steal the fruits of victory. After finding out that Dave was the target of the blackmail, he extorted 50,000 rupees from Dave and told Dave the adulterer. Want to kill him.

This news ignited Dave's IQ. It seems that when people encounter real danger, their brains are extremely useful.

He set up a game to kill the adulterer and pig teammates, and let his wife see the true face of the adulterer. How to set it up, watch the feature film by yourself!

Dave wondered how he became so powerful. Originally, he just wanted to blackmail some money to repay the loan, but accidentally solved a greedy money-loving virgin. The adulterer’s family was ruined. The pig teammates could no longer harm him, and his wife also I wanted to change my mind, but I didn't spend a penny, it was really amazing.

This time Dave used the company's model KT board as the object of lust and fought fiercely in the toilet. I think he should be thinking about how to fuck the cardinals.

If Dave hadn't listened to his teammates and went home early, this story would not have happened.

If he doesn’t get married, this story won’t exist, as Dave said at the beginning of the film, “Marriage is a celebration in the country, and regret in the city.”

Dave should end this remorse.

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